Monday, November 16, 2009

TarotScopes for the Week of November 15th

Hello Lovelies!
Here is your TarotScope for the week of November 15th.

Are you all getting ready for Turkey Day? Like all major holidays, it's coming up a little sooner than expected!


Career: Lay low this week Aries, storms are brewing around you at work. I don't feel any real threat to you, just don't get involved in the drama if you can avoid it. Financially things will be very straight this week.

Health: Watch for your stress points; with all of the changes going on at the office, you may find that the body's typical stress collectors (neck, shoulders and lower back) are in discomfort.

Relationships: Now is not the week for you to move into new relationships, however, it is the week to nurture the old ones. Someone is going to bring an important conversation your way, be open to hearing them and give them the respect their feelings deserve


Career: Expect big opportunities -- you've been gearing up for a big move forward within your career. Now is the time to go for it. Expect some sort of influx of cash this week, whether you decide to hold a yard sale or are gifted money for a friend, hold onto it tightly. There are some unexpected bills awaiting you later this month

Health: The Page of Coins reversed tells me that you will be in fair health this week

Relationships: The Tower Reversed is in this sector, meaning that you are continuing to build upon foundations in your relationships, it's very good sign! Things won't necessarily be easy, however, so if there are underlying issues now is the time to work them out.


Career: Another good week for you! Work will be steady. Be sure to give yourself a little bit of an extra mental challenge this week, Gemini. You will be bored easily and your patience will run thin. Financially things are on an upswing for you and will continue to be so for a while.

Health: Be very aware of your body. Your immune system isn't up to par this week so avoid people with colds or else you will catch it fairly quickly

Relationships: Make sure to spend some extra alone time with your loved ones, they may be feeling a little neglected. Otherwise things are pretty good for you!


Career: You are on the go this week Cancer. Even though you have recently gone through some minor setbacks you can't let those events stop you! The obstacles you may have been facing are shown to me through the Nine of Wands. The setbacks aren't quite finished yet, but you will handle them with grace and finesse, or just break down the damn wall with your head. Whichever way will get you there quicker!

Health: Watch for your stomach and intestinal upsets this week.

Relationships: The Knight of Swords depicts a time where you may be preparing yourself for difficult conversations among friends and family. Face these conversations with a pleasant smile and honor their words to the best of your abilities. If you have your own concerns to raise or bad news to break, do so with patience. Do not just let it all slip out -- think before you speak.


Career: It's all future focused right now, Leo. You're plotting and planning your career and future finances. The cards work with you in this (5 of Wands). Now is the time to lay groundwork so you can have a happy and secure future.

Health: There may be a trip to the healer's for you this week. Watch for pains in the lower back and up the spine.

Relationships: The 5 of Swords lies in this sector, so be aware that there could be some confrontation coming your way. Relax, it isn't really you against the world! Not everyone is trying to attack you, even though it may feel a little bit like that. There is a message in the form of a letter or e-mail that may bring some good news for you.


Career: The Hierophant lies in your Career; you will be blessed this week! People will be looking to you for answers and authority. But you will take it all in stride with your objective view and clear thinking.

Health: Watch for issues around travel, Virgo (which may cause you to feel great stress) and be sure to take in plenty of proteins.

Relationships: This week is one for miss-communication. Be sure your are speaking as clearly as possible. Also some toxic friends may make an impact.


Career: Now is the time for wheeling and dealing in your career. Negotiations will be swirling around you, as well as thoughts for new enterprises and possible investments.

Health: Make sure to take immune boosters this week, there will be a lot of sick people around you.

Relationships: The Four of Wands is in your relationship sector, telling me it's time you take the role of nurturer. Your partner or friends may need some direction this week. Don't hesitate to give them advice.


Career: Be aware of where your money is going. There is a big spend-out coming your way, so save your funds!! In your actual job arena, it does not seem like you're moving up or down. Things are steady.

Health: This is a week of cleansing for you, Scorpio. Help your body out by getting sweaty with some exercise and expelling toxins.

Relationships: Much like Virgo, you are going to be having some issues with toxic relationships. Although there is no real end in sight, just deal with them the best you can. In love relationships, arguments or disagreements over money may come up this week.


Career: Previous disagreements or issues at work may crop up again or find no resolution this week. But creative inspiration will strike you, so go with it!

Health: Don't worry too much about health this week. I am seeing a couple of incidents where you feel unwell. But overall you are OK.

Relationships: The Ten of Coins reversed tells me that although there are obstacles in every relationship, yours will be overcome this week. If you are not with someone right now, apply this same reading to friendships.


Career: You will be in a position within your career where you feel empowered. Ideas will be your main focus this week, more so than action. Be open to the universe, Capricorn! There are some important messages coming your way!

Health: The Tower in your Health sector tells me it may feel like you're falling apart when it comes to health. Take care of yourself and also be aware of your feet.

Relationships: The Lovers reversed is in your relationship sector. This talks of possible discord. I always believe communication to be essential, so make sure you understand each other. Tempers may flare a little bit, but I feel whatever is negative will sort itself out by the end of the week.


Career: Possible career or job changes are in the works for you. Aquarius. It's your choice to move ahead with them. Be open to new possibilities.

Health: I'm not seeing too much as far as health should be fine!

Relationships: Relationships are steady this week. I'm not seeing much change. I am however seeing a reconnection between you and someone you haven't talked to in a while. Have fun this week!


Career: The Star reversed tells me that you may feel a little hopeless in your career and finance. I drew a second card to find out exactly why and got the Priestess reversed, which tells me that there are issues around you concerning your financial situation. You must trust yourself, Pisces! The answer is right in front of your nose.

Health: No changes in health this week.

Relationships: You may feel like it's you against the world; and you're readying for battle. This isn't just about love or friendships, it's your take on life in general this week.

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