Hello Lovelies!!!
I know it has been a couple of months since my last Tarotscopes....but I am back, revitalized and re-energized with the energy of the season! Speaking of the season we are looking at October, the official changing of the leaves and that transforming energy of fall!
Libra - Happy Birthday Libra!! Fall is all about moving forward for you! Two of Wands in reverse tells us that you are taking lessons from your past and applying them to future plans. With that you move into the Eight of Swords reversed indicating a sense of freedom coming to you mid-month, the light is shining and you can see your path clearly. The end of the month holds a special surprise for you: overwhelming happiness as you gain your hearts desires and accomplish a few of the bigger goals within your plans.
Aries - You start out with the the Princess of Wands which brings a hopeful energy to the beginning of your month. Its also a card that gives you actionable energy, so now is the time to make moves and fast track your plans! Mid-month you run up against the Nine of Swords reversed telling you not to let your worries get to you even if you feel they are valid. Now is not the time to dwell on possibilities or to allow your mind to run amok, keep focused and grounded. You end the month with the Princess of Cups indicating a rise in your empathic abilities and the romantic notions, your are emotionally open during the end of the month, this is a great time to have any emotional communications and to rekindle love!
Taurus - The month begins with the Knight of Cups in reverse the message is clear: Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize!!! Generally this card is a great one in a reading, however, even though there may be a ton of GREAT things going on, you will feel pulled in a bunch of different directions and spread pretty thin! The Moon greats you at the middle of the month indicating that now is the time to rely on your gut instinct rather than trying to use logic as you aren't going to see the whole picture with your physical senses. You finish out October in The Sun reversed indicating that things are going pretty well for you, this is a great time to meet new people, socialize etc. If you are looking for a new job now is a great time to schedule interviews as you will be at your most charming and confident.
Gemini - The Two of Cups indicates that you may be getting to caught up with new love or issues in love and not taking care of your more platonic relationships. If you are currently experiencing problems in love now is the time to forgive, forget and start fresh. Balance is the name of the game mid-month Gemini, the Emperor reversed tells us you may be listening more to your emotional truths than your logical ones concentration and focus are critical right now. You end the month with Judgment in reverse, warning you not to jump to conclusions, really think things through and talk over the pros and cons before making any big moves.
Cancer - A great omen greats you at the beginning of the month in the form of the Six of Wands reversed, meaning that despite challenges or delays things you have hoping or working towards creating will come through. The Tower comes in next telling you now is not the time to try and cling to what you know but rather to go with the flow of change. You end with the Queen of Cups letting you know that there is a woman with great compassion and understanding in your corner.
Leo - The Three of Pentacles is a great card to start the month out with, giving you great luck and momentum in work it tells you that the people around you notice and appreciate all of what you do, even if you don't receive a paycheck for it. The Six of Cups comes up next indicating a time of nostalgia, thinking on what use to be typically it is connected to children or your childhood. Lastly you move into the Eight of Pentacles telling you to prepare for a time of very hard work and lots of it! Not necessarily a negative thing as long as you are prepared for it.
Virgo - The King of Swords greets you at the beginning of the month representing a strong, forceful and opinionated person in your life who may be pushing your buttons. Instead of trying to change him, this is an opportunity to look at yourself and bringing change. Mid-month you walk into the Five of Swords telling you to think before you act, it can also be a card indicative of travel, not yours but someone close to you who you will miss very much. It can also indicate that you really need to think before you speak as your censor filter may not be catching everything and it could cause strain on friendships. You end the month with the Lovers in reverse giving you a sense of ambivalence towards love, pay attention to your gut feelings and try to understand where this is coming from.
Scorpio - The Magician pops by at the beginning of the month reminding you to make better use of your power, knowledge and abilities. Always seek that higher calling or purpose. Universe has been sending you many signs, and you may not be as aware of the synchronicity happening around you. Pay attention! The Three of Cups warns you that now is not the time to 'go it alone' rather create a sense of community and speak openly with those around you. You end at the Wheel of Fortune which serves as reminder that everything happens in cycles and there is always change coming around. Although the idea is difficult for some you really need to go through it and remember "this to shall pass."
Sagittarius - You meet up with the Chariot at the beginning of the month indicating that now is the time to gather all of your will and focus your ambition. When this card comes in to play you will receive clarity regarding on what your hopes and dreams involve and how to get there. You then move into the Ace of Swords reversed where anxiety may creep in or discomfort, for instance you may have a great job but a difficult supervisor who causes you anxiety in the workplace. This card tells you that if you are having difficulty, now is not the time to be silent but rather to ask questions! You end when you meet up with the Princess of Pentacles who tells you now is not the time to daydream, be practical and grounded in the things you do and decisions you make.
Capricorn - Seek out upbeat people right now the Ten of Wands reversed indicates you may be feeling tired, overwhelmed and burnt out, now is not the time to push through anything. Sit back and take the break your body, spirit and mind are asking for. There is restlessness around you, the Eight of Cups can indicate that you have decided to leave a situation, this could be work, love or even family. Rather than it being a sudden out of the blue situation this will be completely in your control. At the end of the month you step into the Empress you will find yourself much more attractive in every sense of the word to those around you. You may find more people coming to you for advice or a shoulder to cry on as well and your creative energy will be at its height!
Aquarius - Time to change your perspective Aquarius! The Hanged Man asks you to release old ways of thinking and open up your mind to new ideas, attitudes and possibilities. The King of Cups greets you mid-month reminding you no matter how you currently feel that there is unconditional love around you, nurture others and allow yourself to be nurtured. You end the month within the Princess of Swords reversed steadfast but quick thinking she can sometimes become to aggressive or over zealous and end up stepping on the toes of the people around her. Hold back your energy just a bit for the sake of diplomacy.
Pisces - You begin the month as the Hermit, even for the atheist this is a spiritual card, its meaning is dependent on how you interpret the word spirits, whether you think it is a connection to God, someone's creativity, strength or emotions. The Hermit tells you that if you need to take time away, do so, even if it just five minutes it will be well worth it. It is also a card about 'doing the right thing' just be sure that when you are doing the right thing it is as much for you personally as it is for everyone else. Do not let the opinions or needs of others override your own. Next you move into the Star, indicating that you feel more secure about the future especially about emotional and financial needs being met. It also tells you to pay attention you will be feeling particularly inspired! You end the month with the Six of Pentacles indicating that generosity surrounds you and you should take it! Be aware of giving as much as you get though as this card is all about balances. It isn't always about money though, it could be spiritual support, advice, time, etc. This can also indicate a deepening of a current relationship or the beginning of a new one.