Hey Lovelies!
Yes I just posted the December Tarotscopes! Yay! But aside from that exciting news I have a little bit more to talk about! Firstly I wish you a merry happy holidays if I don't see you in the TenacityRadio.com chatroom, for a reading or on Facebook or Twitter. I do want to give a shout out to a very loyal Truthful Tarot reader named Lee! I recently got to go down and meet her, she has been reading the Tarotscopes for a while and I was so excited, her family especially her mum was fantastic and I even got to take home some of her portugese sweet bread (need I say yummy?).
Aside from that thoroughly awesome experience, I want to let everyone know that all of the TenacityRadio.com shows (including The Psychic Switch!) are now on the Stitcher.com mobile application. Where ever your phone goes....so does Tenacity! You can get it for Palm Pre, Android, Blackberry, and IPhone!!!! Yay!!!!
So earlier today, I was working on the Tarotscopes when a knock came at the door.....so I ran in my jammies to greet the person (I had deliberately cleared my schedule this morning so I could do the tarotscopes so I knew it wasn't a reading) and it was this lovely young woman who dumped a package in my hands and took off. Stamped on the side was the name Schiffer in bold red letters. It couldn't be I thought to myself....but....it was. I ripped open the package, tossed around the paper packing and inside was a beautiful bottle of Chardonnay (I already have three bottles of Sangria from the last books so I was happy for the change) and my authors copy of Psychic Sex! One hundred and sixty full color pages....I had to be pinched to make sure it was real. Indeed it was!!!!
So friends with the delivery of the authors copy it only confirms Psychic Sex will be hitting the stores in the next few days and I must say that it looks beautiful (although I may be biased ;) )
I believe at the moment that is all I have to report!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December 2010 Tarotscopes
Hello Lovelies!
The month of December will bring with it a lot of energy and movement toward manifesting dreams! For this reading I am using the The Lover's Path Tarot by By Kris Wilder and published by US Games. Kris also created the Goddess Tarot in this deck she brings to life some of the worlds most inspiring lovers and integrates them as Tarot archetypes. Romeo and Juliet, Arthur and Guinevere. It is a gorgeous deck and Wilder's artistic talents really shine through and create enigmatic pictures that stir the senses and stimulate the psychic mind. Now to the Tarotscopes!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) - Happy Birthday Sag! Let's see what Universe has in store for you during your birthday month. During the beginning of the month Penelope and Odysseus greet you. Penelope encourages you to look at things around you with a detached view, you may be emotionally to close to some of the situations going on around you and because of that, you are not seeing your options clearly enough. The Ten of Cups reversed knocks on your door mid month reminding you to fight through negative feelings, that now is an important time to keep positive no matter what is going on. Paolo and Francesca stop by at the end of the month bringing with them the ability to turn your greatest weaknesses into strengths and aid you in realizing another part of your potential.
Aries (March 21 - April 20) - The Prince of Coins makes an appearance for you at the beginning of the month, letting you know that financial you are on the right track working hard towards creating growth and new opportunities are on their way. Dido and Aeneas come mid month making you aware of a feeling of oppression, that someone or something is holding you back and it really is time to break free. Take a hard look at the situations around you, it's time for a reanalysis. With the end of the month comes the Three of Staves in its reversed position, be ready for some frustrating delays in work and other projects.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) - You start off your month with the Eight of Staves indicating a sudden burst of energy flow both in motivation and communication. Questions you have had for a long time will suddenly have sensible answers. Tamino and Pamina visit during the middle of the month letting you know that now is the time to go into things with an open mind. Pretend you know nothing about the current situations around you and you will learn more than you thought. Also this may indicate a new beginning, whether education comes into play, a move or new career. The Five of Arrows ends the month warning you of a feeling of defeat, whether it be a job you didn't get, or a class you failed. It also tells you that you need to be wary with your lack of trust, there are people around you that you can depend on. You just need to open your eyes and really look.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - Scattered Gemini, that is how you will start the month. "To many eggs in one basket!" the Prince of Wands stops by to warn. Think about cutting back some of the work, or working on time management skills to help you tackle all of the things on your to do list. Brunnhilde and Siegfried visits mid month letting you know that right now is the time for you to accomplish great things. Get those big projects that had you scattered at the beginning of the month finished and work towards new goals. At the end of the month the Five of Cups reversed knocks on your door reminding you to appreciate the things you currently have and realize that relationships are not just burdens or happiness. They are what you make them to be.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - It's time for change Cancer as you move into the Eight of Cups it is time to be your more authentic self. It is also a great time to move on from negative relationships, careers and to let go of unhealthy situations. The Queen of Arrows appears, you may call her Venus, now is the best time to communicate your thoughts and ideas, it is also a fabulous time for you to introvert a little bit and listen to the voice inside, discover your inner brilliance! The Eight of Arrows reversed comes to you at the end of the month reminding you not to obsess about your personal problems and that the sky isn't falling this month. Don't allow yourself to blow things out of proportion and try to keep your stress levels down.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) - Like Orpheus and Eurydice there must be sacrifice in everything we do. We give up one career for another, one love for another, one life path for another. The beginning of the month heralds such a sacrifice although short lived to attain a major goal you have been striving to attain. You move into the Nine of Cups reversed mid month giving you a sense of complacency. Do not mistake comfort with stagnancy, something will leave a sense of dissatisfaction around you. But at the end of the month as you change to the Two of Arrows reversed you must recognize that you have become to logical and not allowed your emotions any leeway in your decision making. Be sure to let each side of you have a voice and that sense of dissatisfaction will dissipate.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - Paolo and Francesca visit you in the reversed position at the beginning of the month giving you a sense of freedom amidst many obligations. During the middle of the month you move into the Five of Arrows telling you to be careful and put up your defenses, emotional issues are going to come to a head in a verbal way. It is a good thing in the end to cleanse yourself of the problems by releasing the energy, but it will not be the most enjoyable of experiences. Recognize your triggers and the triggers of those around you if you wish to avoid the conflict although honestly, it's better just to have it out. You end the month with the Five of Cups in the reversed position wrapping up on a happy note with the ability to appreciate what you have in front of you rather than wishing for what you don't. This positive energy carries forward into the new year bringing with it a sense of accomplishment and positive change.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - Danae and Zeus, two royals one of the earthly plane the other of the gods. They come to you to let you know of fortunes that are heading your way. Now is the time to exercise your ability to accept abundance and not allow your critical thinking to get in the way! Isolde Queen of Coins comes to you in the reversed position in the middle of the month letting you know to pay more attention to current relationships as they may feel a little off kilter or out of sync. Also that now is the time to take absolute control of those emotions or be overwhelmed with them if you don't. At the end of the month the Two of Coins comes into play bringing balance to the earthly and spiritual realms as well as the other aspects of your life. You will juggle them all with much success!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) - At the beginning of the month you find yourself fin the Four of Cups reversed letting you know to accept your current situation no matter how upsetting or dissatisfying it may be. But also that it will pass. Mid month the Five of Arrows comes into play again in reversed position letting you know that now is the time for a decision to be made and if you refuse...well...it will be made for you and you will not appreciate the outcome. This card gives you permission to take control and responsibility for the situation. Mark the King of Cups knocks on your door at the end of the month telling you to watch for someone who may be like a mentor coming into your life. They carry with them the qualities of wisdom, maturity and integrity pay attention to them you will learn a lot.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) - Three of Staves reversed greets you at the beginning of the month so there may be some frustration at the moment while waiting out minor delays in planning. Bragwene Princess of Cups stops by in the reversed position mid month to make you aware that you may be involved in a codependent relationship in which you need to give yourself some distance. At the end of the month you meet Tristan and Isolde in the reverse letting you know that you need to pay attention to gut feelings and the signs around you. They also speak of planning be sure on how you are scheduling yourself, events and for the future. If you are planning a party of gathering just know it may be bad timing, the weather may not agree, it could be your caterer or that everyone cannot attend, be open to rescheduling.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - The Prince of coins Perseus stops by at the beginning of December letting you know of new opportunities that are going to arise and that your hard work will pay off in the end just be persistent. Mid month you meet Wotan King of Staves in his reversed position letting you know to be aware of someone around you who is one hundred percent supportive of your pursuits but don't expect any more than that as they are not reliable. Guinevere and Arthur say hello at the end of the month bringing with them a message of power. Get ready to lead or take a position of power where you must be the driving force. Be careful to temper that power with logic and a cool head.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) - You kick off the month with the Two of Staves in the reversed position, don't be afraid to ask for help at this time when you need it. It also predicts that there will be a project that will quickly lose momentum, now is not the time to begin something new, wrap up loose ends instead. At the middle of the month Romeo and Juliet stop by reminding you to be aware of public perception, right now may be a critical time in regards to work so keep your nose clean! At the end of the month Fricka the Queen of Staves comes to you in the reversed position telling you that even though you may feel as though you lack control in the world that it is a false perception and that now is the time to take a stand for yourself, let your voice be heard!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:
The month of December will bring with it a lot of energy and movement toward manifesting dreams! For this reading I am using the The Lover's Path Tarot by By Kris Wilder and published by US Games. Kris also created the Goddess Tarot in this deck she brings to life some of the worlds most inspiring lovers and integrates them as Tarot archetypes. Romeo and Juliet, Arthur and Guinevere. It is a gorgeous deck and Wilder's artistic talents really shine through and create enigmatic pictures that stir the senses and stimulate the psychic mind. Now to the Tarotscopes!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) - Happy Birthday Sag! Let's see what Universe has in store for you during your birthday month. During the beginning of the month Penelope and Odysseus greet you. Penelope encourages you to look at things around you with a detached view, you may be emotionally to close to some of the situations going on around you and because of that, you are not seeing your options clearly enough. The Ten of Cups reversed knocks on your door mid month reminding you to fight through negative feelings, that now is an important time to keep positive no matter what is going on. Paolo and Francesca stop by at the end of the month bringing with them the ability to turn your greatest weaknesses into strengths and aid you in realizing another part of your potential.
Aries (March 21 - April 20) - The Prince of Coins makes an appearance for you at the beginning of the month, letting you know that financial you are on the right track working hard towards creating growth and new opportunities are on their way. Dido and Aeneas come mid month making you aware of a feeling of oppression, that someone or something is holding you back and it really is time to break free. Take a hard look at the situations around you, it's time for a reanalysis. With the end of the month comes the Three of Staves in its reversed position, be ready for some frustrating delays in work and other projects.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) - You start off your month with the Eight of Staves indicating a sudden burst of energy flow both in motivation and communication. Questions you have had for a long time will suddenly have sensible answers. Tamino and Pamina visit during the middle of the month letting you know that now is the time to go into things with an open mind. Pretend you know nothing about the current situations around you and you will learn more than you thought. Also this may indicate a new beginning, whether education comes into play, a move or new career. The Five of Arrows ends the month warning you of a feeling of defeat, whether it be a job you didn't get, or a class you failed. It also tells you that you need to be wary with your lack of trust, there are people around you that you can depend on. You just need to open your eyes and really look.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - Scattered Gemini, that is how you will start the month. "To many eggs in one basket!" the Prince of Wands stops by to warn. Think about cutting back some of the work, or working on time management skills to help you tackle all of the things on your to do list. Brunnhilde and Siegfried visits mid month letting you know that right now is the time for you to accomplish great things. Get those big projects that had you scattered at the beginning of the month finished and work towards new goals. At the end of the month the Five of Cups reversed knocks on your door reminding you to appreciate the things you currently have and realize that relationships are not just burdens or happiness. They are what you make them to be.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - It's time for change Cancer as you move into the Eight of Cups it is time to be your more authentic self. It is also a great time to move on from negative relationships, careers and to let go of unhealthy situations. The Queen of Arrows appears, you may call her Venus, now is the best time to communicate your thoughts and ideas, it is also a fabulous time for you to introvert a little bit and listen to the voice inside, discover your inner brilliance! The Eight of Arrows reversed comes to you at the end of the month reminding you not to obsess about your personal problems and that the sky isn't falling this month. Don't allow yourself to blow things out of proportion and try to keep your stress levels down.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) - Like Orpheus and Eurydice there must be sacrifice in everything we do. We give up one career for another, one love for another, one life path for another. The beginning of the month heralds such a sacrifice although short lived to attain a major goal you have been striving to attain. You move into the Nine of Cups reversed mid month giving you a sense of complacency. Do not mistake comfort with stagnancy, something will leave a sense of dissatisfaction around you. But at the end of the month as you change to the Two of Arrows reversed you must recognize that you have become to logical and not allowed your emotions any leeway in your decision making. Be sure to let each side of you have a voice and that sense of dissatisfaction will dissipate.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - Paolo and Francesca visit you in the reversed position at the beginning of the month giving you a sense of freedom amidst many obligations. During the middle of the month you move into the Five of Arrows telling you to be careful and put up your defenses, emotional issues are going to come to a head in a verbal way. It is a good thing in the end to cleanse yourself of the problems by releasing the energy, but it will not be the most enjoyable of experiences. Recognize your triggers and the triggers of those around you if you wish to avoid the conflict although honestly, it's better just to have it out. You end the month with the Five of Cups in the reversed position wrapping up on a happy note with the ability to appreciate what you have in front of you rather than wishing for what you don't. This positive energy carries forward into the new year bringing with it a sense of accomplishment and positive change.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - Danae and Zeus, two royals one of the earthly plane the other of the gods. They come to you to let you know of fortunes that are heading your way. Now is the time to exercise your ability to accept abundance and not allow your critical thinking to get in the way! Isolde Queen of Coins comes to you in the reversed position in the middle of the month letting you know to pay more attention to current relationships as they may feel a little off kilter or out of sync. Also that now is the time to take absolute control of those emotions or be overwhelmed with them if you don't. At the end of the month the Two of Coins comes into play bringing balance to the earthly and spiritual realms as well as the other aspects of your life. You will juggle them all with much success!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) - At the beginning of the month you find yourself fin the Four of Cups reversed letting you know to accept your current situation no matter how upsetting or dissatisfying it may be. But also that it will pass. Mid month the Five of Arrows comes into play again in reversed position letting you know that now is the time for a decision to be made and if you refuse...well...it will be made for you and you will not appreciate the outcome. This card gives you permission to take control and responsibility for the situation. Mark the King of Cups knocks on your door at the end of the month telling you to watch for someone who may be like a mentor coming into your life. They carry with them the qualities of wisdom, maturity and integrity pay attention to them you will learn a lot.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) - Three of Staves reversed greets you at the beginning of the month so there may be some frustration at the moment while waiting out minor delays in planning. Bragwene Princess of Cups stops by in the reversed position mid month to make you aware that you may be involved in a codependent relationship in which you need to give yourself some distance. At the end of the month you meet Tristan and Isolde in the reverse letting you know that you need to pay attention to gut feelings and the signs around you. They also speak of planning be sure on how you are scheduling yourself, events and for the future. If you are planning a party of gathering just know it may be bad timing, the weather may not agree, it could be your caterer or that everyone cannot attend, be open to rescheduling.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - The Prince of coins Perseus stops by at the beginning of December letting you know of new opportunities that are going to arise and that your hard work will pay off in the end just be persistent. Mid month you meet Wotan King of Staves in his reversed position letting you know to be aware of someone around you who is one hundred percent supportive of your pursuits but don't expect any more than that as they are not reliable. Guinevere and Arthur say hello at the end of the month bringing with them a message of power. Get ready to lead or take a position of power where you must be the driving force. Be careful to temper that power with logic and a cool head.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) - You kick off the month with the Two of Staves in the reversed position, don't be afraid to ask for help at this time when you need it. It also predicts that there will be a project that will quickly lose momentum, now is not the time to begin something new, wrap up loose ends instead. At the middle of the month Romeo and Juliet stop by reminding you to be aware of public perception, right now may be a critical time in regards to work so keep your nose clean! At the end of the month Fricka the Queen of Staves comes to you in the reversed position telling you that even though you may feel as though you lack control in the world that it is a false perception and that now is the time to take a stand for yourself, let your voice be heard!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:
*images used with permission from US Games Systems Inc.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
November 2010 Tarotscopes
Hello Lovelies!
The month of November will bring with it a lot of change and it seems to be an emotional month for most of us! For this reading I am using the Tarot of the Old Path by By Sylvia Gainsford & Howard Rodway and published by US Games. It draws on wiccan symbology with consultants for the deck including Margot Adler and the Farrars. I have to say the vivid colors and images are very inspiring. I love the attitude of each card and how clearly it comes through, all in all a beautiful deck and very easy to work with. Perfect for those beginning in the tarot, if you don't know the symbols, you don't need to worry about the main images speak clearly enough! A little confusing are some of the name changes such as with the Death card which in the deck is called The Close. But it is easily overcome once you recognize it. Now to the Tarotscopes!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) - Happy Birthday Scorpios! The beginning of this month will not be complete bliss :( The Five of Pentacles comes through to tell you to be wary of your money and possible bad investments. Make your money work for you and be very wise before putting it in someone else's hands. The Seven of Swords reversed visits you at the middle of the month to unburden you of your heavy load. A nice breather is in order, sit back and relax for a minute. At the end of the month the Fool comes forward to warn you to look before you leap and that a new adventure may be in order. Now is the time to look for a new job or prospective life path but be wary and fully investigate it before jumping in with both feet!
Aries (March 21 - April 20) - Your month starts off with the Six of Cauldrons in the reversed position letting you know that now is not the time for love talk or beginning new relationships. Put your focus on cultivating the ones you already have and avoid deep conversations concerning love. The Queen of Swords reversed bumps into you mid-month, look out for a strong feminine personality they may need a shoulder right at that moment. Also, be aware that Wednesday would be a great day to have that love talk this week. Finally you end the month by meeting the Lone Man reversed (known as the Hanged Man) he brings with him the encouragement of conversation and company along with momentum forward for future ventures! What a great way to start the next month.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) - Powerful energies are at work for you this month Taurus! All Major Arcana cards, starting with The World at the beginning of the month. Don't be suprised if you feel a little overwhelmed, this can lean towards both the positive and the negative but either way the situation will end with a positive and you will feel as though many doors have opened for you! I like to relate to this card as it being similar to a kid in a candy store. So many options! The middle of the month brings Illusion (The Moon) ideas and concepts that you had about people and things will be shattered but with it comes clarity and understanding of the world at large and your place in it. Embrace the truth and walk forward with confidence! At the end of the month the Lovers comes into play now is the time to form friendships, partnerships and of course relationships! If your already in a relationship you will find that this is a great time to reconnect with your lover!
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - The Guide (Temperance) helps you out at the beginning of the month reminding you not to make hasty decisions or snap judgments. Take your time before critiquing or jumping to conclusions especially about people, you may turn away some very helpful people. The Two of Cauldrons comes through at mid-month letting you know a new possible partnership or friendship is going to start or that an old one will be renewed, go into it with an open mind. You end the month within the realm of the Ace of Pentacles, a great sign for money it also tells you now is the time to invest in hearth and home! Redecorate!
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Follow that intuition Cancer that is what the High Priestess tells you at the beginning of the month! Don't overthink things just pay attention to your gut feelings. The King of Cauldrons (King of Cups) comes midmonth a man of sensitivity he warns you not to get to into negative feelings, now is not the time to give credence to the nasty messages on the tape in your mind. Block it out and put it away for later. At the end of the month you meet up with the King of Swords, he tells you it is time to take control of negative situations and deal with them. No waiting, no shortcuts, no mincing words, make your needs known and face the issues you have been putting off!
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) - The Eight of Cauldrons greets you at the beginning of the month warning you not to hold all of your emotional self in and to take responsibility for your feelings don't run away from tough situations. Mid-month the Wheel of Fortune arrives at your door letting you know that right now anything is possible! With it may come a little uncertainty about your position in the world at large but, take advantage and manifest your wants and needs you are in a fabulous position to do so. The Queen of Swords comes to you at the end of the month to bring a message of scrutiny. Look over the people in your life carefully, don't be cruel but some change is in order.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - The Knight of Cauldrons (cups) stops by at the beginning of the month to let you know that you don't need to be chained to your emotional reactions. Now is not the time to let your feelings rule your head. The Queen of Pentacles visits in the middle of month warning of money sorrows, now is not the time to overspend your finances you may not be able to recoup as quickly as you think. Finally at the end of the month the Magician stops by with him companion wolf, he tells you to seek out spirituality and gather strength from faith.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - As you enter November you begin in the phase of The Sun reversed. Right now is not your time to be in spotlight, focus on being a support to friends and family! The Emperor knocks on your door mid November indicating that you are taking on a lot of responsibility his hawk tells you not to worry about the details and remind yourself to pay more attention to the big picture. You end the month in the Ten of Cauldrons (cups) involve yourself in strengthening bonds with family and home, it is time for a nice reconnection. Be sure to give everyone personal time if you can they may be craving it after you having been so busy!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) - The flames of creativity grab you at the beginning of the month, the Three of Rods (wands) indicates that you are ready to start some new projects and although you will be a leader, try not to do it on your own. The project may be to big for just one person and you don't want to overextend yourself. Mastery (the Chariot) joins you in the middle of the month letting you know that right now your perseverance will give you victory in everything that you do! Finally at the end of the month the Nine of Pentacles reversed stops by to remind you that it's not about the money. The woman pictured in a heavy necklace of pentacles tells you that now is not the time to worry about bills, kids, and other financial investments. Enjoy the little things!
Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) - The Lovers greets you at the beginning of the month, new partnerships, relationships, friendships abound. Also it indicates that of course now is the perfect time to reacquaint yourself with your other half or to find one! Now is a great time to nurture your inner romantic and fall in love all over again. The Three of Cauldrons (cups) stop by to remind you to let loose and have fun during the middle of the month! Time for a party!! The Six of Rods (wands) indicates a lot of travel happening at the end of the month but you can do so with confidence .
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - Lighthearted but a deep thinker. Aquarius you are letting your negative tape get to you. The Eight of Swords comes through speaking of someone who feels they have failed, or have been abandoned. Point of the matter is you have not failed, that is just a human concept, and every experience creates change and knowledge. The Seven of Cauldrons (cups) reversed comes to you mid-month now is the time to take time for yourself, become a little introverted and really do some soul searching, you need it. The Ten of Cauldrons (cups) reversed indicates that family may not be as helpful as you'd like or that there is some discord. Do you not let it affect you, this too shall pass.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) - Watch it Pisces the Four of Cauldrons (cups) warns your taking on everyone else's emotional crap unconsciously. Don't let it happen, be honest and create boundaries with friends and family you dealing with enough of your own issues, don't attempt to solve everyone else's issues right now, you will end up feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Strength stops by mid-month to let you know that you need to kill with kindness and that you can charm your way into a peaceful situation if you put your mind to it. At the end of the month the High Priestess comes into view. Take your position as leader and follow your gut instinct now is also the perfect time for you to move forward with plans for the future or to begin planning.
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:
The month of November will bring with it a lot of change and it seems to be an emotional month for most of us! For this reading I am using the Tarot of the Old Path by By Sylvia Gainsford & Howard Rodway and published by US Games. It draws on wiccan symbology with consultants for the deck including Margot Adler and the Farrars. I have to say the vivid colors and images are very inspiring. I love the attitude of each card and how clearly it comes through, all in all a beautiful deck and very easy to work with. Perfect for those beginning in the tarot, if you don't know the symbols, you don't need to worry about the main images speak clearly enough! A little confusing are some of the name changes such as with the Death card which in the deck is called The Close. But it is easily overcome once you recognize it. Now to the Tarotscopes!

Aries (March 21 - April 20) - Your month starts off with the Six of Cauldrons in the reversed position letting you know that now is not the time for love talk or beginning new relationships. Put your focus on cultivating the ones you already have and avoid deep conversations concerning love. The Queen of Swords reversed bumps into you mid-month, look out for a strong feminine personality they may need a shoulder right at that moment. Also, be aware that Wednesday would be a great day to have that love talk this week. Finally you end the month by meeting the Lone Man reversed (known as the Hanged Man) he brings with him the encouragement of conversation and company along with momentum forward for future ventures! What a great way to start the next month.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) - Powerful energies are at work for you this month Taurus! All Major Arcana cards, starting with The World at the beginning of the month. Don't be suprised if you feel a little overwhelmed, this can lean towards both the positive and the negative but either way the situation will end with a positive and you will feel as though many doors have opened for you! I like to relate to this card as it being similar to a kid in a candy store. So many options! The middle of the month brings Illusion (The Moon) ideas and concepts that you had about people and things will be shattered but with it comes clarity and understanding of the world at large and your place in it. Embrace the truth and walk forward with confidence! At the end of the month the Lovers comes into play now is the time to form friendships, partnerships and of course relationships! If your already in a relationship you will find that this is a great time to reconnect with your lover!
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - The Guide (Temperance) helps you out at the beginning of the month reminding you not to make hasty decisions or snap judgments. Take your time before critiquing or jumping to conclusions especially about people, you may turn away some very helpful people. The Two of Cauldrons comes through at mid-month letting you know a new possible partnership or friendship is going to start or that an old one will be renewed, go into it with an open mind. You end the month within the realm of the Ace of Pentacles, a great sign for money it also tells you now is the time to invest in hearth and home! Redecorate!
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Follow that intuition Cancer that is what the High Priestess tells you at the beginning of the month! Don't overthink things just pay attention to your gut feelings. The King of Cauldrons (King of Cups) comes midmonth a man of sensitivity he warns you not to get to into negative feelings, now is not the time to give credence to the nasty messages on the tape in your mind. Block it out and put it away for later. At the end of the month you meet up with the King of Swords, he tells you it is time to take control of negative situations and deal with them. No waiting, no shortcuts, no mincing words, make your needs known and face the issues you have been putting off!
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) - The Eight of Cauldrons greets you at the beginning of the month warning you not to hold all of your emotional self in and to take responsibility for your feelings don't run away from tough situations. Mid-month the Wheel of Fortune arrives at your door letting you know that right now anything is possible! With it may come a little uncertainty about your position in the world at large but, take advantage and manifest your wants and needs you are in a fabulous position to do so. The Queen of Swords comes to you at the end of the month to bring a message of scrutiny. Look over the people in your life carefully, don't be cruel but some change is in order.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - The Knight of Cauldrons (cups) stops by at the beginning of the month to let you know that you don't need to be chained to your emotional reactions. Now is not the time to let your feelings rule your head. The Queen of Pentacles visits in the middle of month warning of money sorrows, now is not the time to overspend your finances you may not be able to recoup as quickly as you think. Finally at the end of the month the Magician stops by with him companion wolf, he tells you to seek out spirituality and gather strength from faith.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - As you enter November you begin in the phase of The Sun reversed. Right now is not your time to be in spotlight, focus on being a support to friends and family! The Emperor knocks on your door mid November indicating that you are taking on a lot of responsibility his hawk tells you not to worry about the details and remind yourself to pay more attention to the big picture. You end the month in the Ten of Cauldrons (cups) involve yourself in strengthening bonds with family and home, it is time for a nice reconnection. Be sure to give everyone personal time if you can they may be craving it after you having been so busy!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) - The flames of creativity grab you at the beginning of the month, the Three of Rods (wands) indicates that you are ready to start some new projects and although you will be a leader, try not to do it on your own. The project may be to big for just one person and you don't want to overextend yourself. Mastery (the Chariot) joins you in the middle of the month letting you know that right now your perseverance will give you victory in everything that you do! Finally at the end of the month the Nine of Pentacles reversed stops by to remind you that it's not about the money. The woman pictured in a heavy necklace of pentacles tells you that now is not the time to worry about bills, kids, and other financial investments. Enjoy the little things!
Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) - The Lovers greets you at the beginning of the month, new partnerships, relationships, friendships abound. Also it indicates that of course now is the perfect time to reacquaint yourself with your other half or to find one! Now is a great time to nurture your inner romantic and fall in love all over again. The Three of Cauldrons (cups) stop by to remind you to let loose and have fun during the middle of the month! Time for a party!! The Six of Rods (wands) indicates a lot of travel happening at the end of the month but you can do so with confidence .
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - Lighthearted but a deep thinker. Aquarius you are letting your negative tape get to you. The Eight of Swords comes through speaking of someone who feels they have failed, or have been abandoned. Point of the matter is you have not failed, that is just a human concept, and every experience creates change and knowledge. The Seven of Cauldrons (cups) reversed comes to you mid-month now is the time to take time for yourself, become a little introverted and really do some soul searching, you need it. The Ten of Cauldrons (cups) reversed indicates that family may not be as helpful as you'd like or that there is some discord. Do you not let it affect you, this too shall pass.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) - Watch it Pisces the Four of Cauldrons (cups) warns your taking on everyone else's emotional crap unconsciously. Don't let it happen, be honest and create boundaries with friends and family you dealing with enough of your own issues, don't attempt to solve everyone else's issues right now, you will end up feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Strength stops by mid-month to let you know that you need to kill with kindness and that you can charm your way into a peaceful situation if you put your mind to it. At the end of the month the High Priestess comes into view. Take your position as leader and follow your gut instinct now is also the perfect time for you to move forward with plans for the future or to begin planning.
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:
Friday, October 1, 2010
October 2010's Tarotscope
This month I am using the Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot Deck put out by U.S. Games Systems Inc and created by the Church of Light. These cards carry symbology from the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light each of the Major Arcana has a corresponding color as seen in the cartouche border surrounding the image. The first Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot was created in 1936 by Gloria Beresforn in 2003 Vicki Brewer redesigned it and brought it from black/white into full color imagery. Only in 2009 did she fully completely the deck which took her 6 years to restore and modify. It truly is a beautiful piece of artwork, with zodiac correspondences for each card as well as numbering and more. The design is simple, the deck itself is certainly not for a beginning reader as some of the symbols may be a little distracting. If you have never been into the occult sciences some of the characters surrounding the picture may be extremely foreign however, you can always get The Sacred Tarot which provides a full history of the deck, and its meanings!

Libra - Happy Birthday all you Libras! Let's see what's in store for your birthday month! First card to come through is the Ace of Scepters reversed, telling me that right now it is time for you to back off of business and activities. The first part of the month should be focused on relaxation and recuperation! The middle of the month you enter into the Seven of Cups reversed, don't try to make too many changes at home right now, renovations and DIY projects will not go smoothly. Instead, focus on little things like rearranging furniture and cleaning. With the last of the month comes Arcanum XVII or the Star as it is better known, the Star speaks to us of hope it also tells us that Universe will work in accord with plans and ideas in the future that you dream of today. So, although you took the earlier parts of the month off, now is a time to actively imagine and dream of your future.
Aries - In the beginning of the month you pass through the Five of Cups telling you that now is the time to look for love (or let love find you) and that you need to make a point of taking self-responsibility. Own up to your flaws and mistakes, let people see that you are human. Otherwise, there may be a kink that will cause you undue stress. In the middle of the month, you meet Arcanum XII or the Martyr (Hanged Man) it warns you to be forgiving of enemies and not to cast stones. It also speaks of sacrifice on an earthly level, this could be of a possession, ego, pride, or even of a relationship. Either way, you are sacrificing something in hopes of creating a positive change in your life. End of the month you will be riding high when you enter the phase of the Seven of Swords reversed unfortunately victory is not with you! Do not sign any contracts or go to court during this time, the energies do not appear to be with you. However, there is not anything major here which indicates you need to watch out for anything other than just the idea that right now, things will probably go very contrary to your expectations.
Taurus - "I know, I know I know" This will the statement you reiterate over the beginning of the month, you are in the phase of the Youth of Coins, one of the court cards which I can only associate with that of a Page. However, this card also indicates a distinctly Aquarian moment, you will be very fluid and all over the place with your thinking and ideas. Also your creativity and wit will be at an all time high, you will be able to be center of attention without being obnoxious and, people will gravitate towards you to help with possible future projects. You enter the Three of Swords in the middle of the month, the card is in it's reversed position (which we like) and indicates a strengthening of love relationships! Focus on improving your love life and being open with your partner during this time. At the end of the month the Eight of Swords comes into play bringing with it some negative experiences, however, the keyword here is EXPERIENCE! Nothing more than a bruised ego, but you've learned valuable lessons and won't make the mistake again!
Gemini - You kick off the month with the Arcanum X a.k.a. The Wheel of Fortune, indicating a time of things being up in the air and a quick change in direction. Although from the other cards it seems that this only is going to affect for a short period of time. Middle of the month the Queen of Cups greets you during this time it is all about manifesting your desires and really going after what you want even if you must force your needs into manifestation. At the end of the month you meet Arcanum XX a.k.a. The Sarcophagus get ready Gemini, you mission awaits. A new project will bring about a strong motivation for success. Push forward it's coming your way, don't worry about money or time you may end up putting more in than you expected in the beginning, but it is well worth it.
Cancer - Entering the beginning of the month is the Arcanum V: The Hierophant in his reversed position look for the words between the sentences Cancer. Your friends are trying to relay messages to you, whether they are hurting and do not want to burden you with their problems or they are trying to warn you, but you are unwilling to hear. Now is the time to listen with your heart rather than your head. In the middle of the month you meet the Ace of Swords you may receive a letter or communication from a loved one that you have not heard from in a bit, aside from that you must be aware of moodiness, it seems that during this time you are a little bit of an extremist. All or nothing and that includes your moods, either really happy or really upset, not much of an in-between. At the end of the month though comes the three of Scepters indicating a positive business agreement or partnership on the horizon. It's also a time to really market yourself as people will be more receptive to hearing what you have to say!
Leo - The wonderful Ten of Wands greets you at the beginning of the month giving you a sense of both relief and enthusiasm! Creativity is flowing and with it new discoveries. Uranus rules the Tens which is all about unconventional actions, ideas and wisdom. The answers to your questions at the beginning of the month will lay in the most unlikely situations. At the middle of the month you pass through the Five of Coins bestowing upon you inspiration and material wealth. This is hard earned money, but just as worthwhile nonetheless. The end of the month brings us to Arcanum XIII otherwise known as The Reaper in this deck and better recognized as Death in most tarot decks. Death, and rebirth the ultimate of transformations, the end of the month heralds a huge change for you, embrace it!
Virgo - Use your intuition at the beginning of the month or so the Seven of Coins says, it also says that money will be gained through travel. So if asked to do a job or an offer comes along take it and know that you will be well compensated for the time. The Youth of Coins greets you mid-month in his reversed position showing letting you know to tread carefully. Your negative thinking may get the best of you at this time, it also tells you to be careful not to get to timid in difficult situations, stand up and use your voice it is important that your opinions recognized! Help with family and friends will be the focus mid-month. The end of the month the Queen of Scepters upright comes to tell you that it is time to bounce back from the difficulties of the earlier parts of the month. TIme to get back on track, get off your bum and move ahead with your own plans.
Scorpio - All Cups, all month long Scorpio! Starting off your month with the Nine of Cups indicating that hopes will be realized, what this really boils down to is that now is the time to make your wishes and get them realized! Go for it, Universe is with you! Your relationships may be exasperated and fidelity maybe tested by the middle of the month as you move into the Eight of Cups. Have patience and you will persevere, it is just a phase. By the end of the month you end up in the position of Queen of Cups, telling you to take time out for yourself and think, allow yourself to be emotional and refuse to be reserved. In other words be the exact opposite of everything that is Scorpio, become the extrovert and let your will be known as right now it is all about what you desire.
Sagittarius - The Eight of Coins brings you into the beginning of the month, indicating a short journey is on the horizon. It also tells you that now is the time to set boundaries and lay down the law in terms of relationships whether they be family or friend. You gave to much last month Sag, now is the time to recuperate and create healthier connections. The Arcanum VIII: The Balance joins you mid month in it's reversed position, showing that you are decidedly off balance. It also indicates that now is the time to be ever aware of cause and effect. Little drops turn into big ripples and with your spiritual equilibrium off those effects may not be the ones you anticipated or desired. However, at the end of the month you move into the Five of Swords in a reversal indicating that even through the tumultuous period during midmonth you come through okay if not unscathed and that your balance has been restored. Cleansing by fire Sag, get ready!
Capricorn - Beginning the month of October is Arcanum II - The Veiled Isis, she leads by example blindfolded she ignores the material world and seeks answers from her own spirit. She guides you to block out the limited knowledge of man and instead find the answers within the eternal knowledge of your own spirit for decision making. Let the light of the Sun illuminate your path and help you to recognize a better way through the mire. People will just confuse you right now, it's okay to take time and be introverted. Next you move into the Seven of Scepters it indicates the opportunity of a new position in your career or a job change completely. Now is the time to explore other options and put your focus on building your business or moving ahead with your job. You move into the Three of Cups at the end of the month indicating good luck in love and relationships. Anything is possible! This is a great time for an engagement or marriage, for those already wed it is a wonderful time to have that second or third honeymoon!
Aquarius - The Six of Scepters gives you a boost of creativity at the beginning of the month particularly in the arts. However, it also indicates a good time to get ambitious, it's not time to sit on your plans but put them into action! No more time to waste. The Nine of Coins indicates that mid-month will be spent with a lot of money going out the window, not on yourself and it may not even be on the bills but family, friends and co-workers. But watch your spending, do not buy lavish gifts in order to impress, it's really not worth it. The coins warn to let reason be your guide and to spend only what you must. The Arcanum V: Hierophant joins you at the end of the month to tell you that now is the time to get back to spirituality and become grounded in the laws of Universe. Bring yourself back to center through meditation and introversion, help to propel yourself ahead by gaining spiritual ground rather than focusing on the material.
Pisces - The Ace of Swords starts the month off with a bang, watch the immune system of yourself, friends and family, sickness is on it's way. YOu may end up having a little bit of a nesting period, right now your focus should be on organization and bringing order to an otherwise chaotic world. Time management is going to be essential for you at this time, you will be clearheaded enough during this time to be able to break up your time without letting your brain make mountains out of small tasks. Mid month you end up bumping into Arcanum VI: The Two Paths, indecision strikes you, you are forced to make decisions. Better to decide and be in control in this matter than to let go and make Universe force the choice. Trust in Universe to take care, now is not the time for thought, but just to do. The Ten of Coins greets you at the end of the month reminding you that whatever your choice it will pay off in the end, so be secure in your decisions.
This Tarotscope Brought To You By:
*All imagery used with permission from U.S. Games Systems

Libra - Happy Birthday all you Libras! Let's see what's in store for your birthday month! First card to come through is the Ace of Scepters reversed, telling me that right now it is time for you to back off of business and activities. The first part of the month should be focused on relaxation and recuperation! The middle of the month you enter into the Seven of Cups reversed, don't try to make too many changes at home right now, renovations and DIY projects will not go smoothly. Instead, focus on little things like rearranging furniture and cleaning. With the last of the month comes Arcanum XVII or the Star as it is better known, the Star speaks to us of hope it also tells us that Universe will work in accord with plans and ideas in the future that you dream of today. So, although you took the earlier parts of the month off, now is a time to actively imagine and dream of your future.
Aries - In the beginning of the month you pass through the Five of Cups telling you that now is the time to look for love (or let love find you) and that you need to make a point of taking self-responsibility. Own up to your flaws and mistakes, let people see that you are human. Otherwise, there may be a kink that will cause you undue stress. In the middle of the month, you meet Arcanum XII or the Martyr (Hanged Man) it warns you to be forgiving of enemies and not to cast stones. It also speaks of sacrifice on an earthly level, this could be of a possession, ego, pride, or even of a relationship. Either way, you are sacrificing something in hopes of creating a positive change in your life. End of the month you will be riding high when you enter the phase of the Seven of Swords reversed unfortunately victory is not with you! Do not sign any contracts or go to court during this time, the energies do not appear to be with you. However, there is not anything major here which indicates you need to watch out for anything other than just the idea that right now, things will probably go very contrary to your expectations.
Taurus - "I know, I know I know" This will the statement you reiterate over the beginning of the month, you are in the phase of the Youth of Coins, one of the court cards which I can only associate with that of a Page. However, this card also indicates a distinctly Aquarian moment, you will be very fluid and all over the place with your thinking and ideas. Also your creativity and wit will be at an all time high, you will be able to be center of attention without being obnoxious and, people will gravitate towards you to help with possible future projects. You enter the Three of Swords in the middle of the month, the card is in it's reversed position (which we like) and indicates a strengthening of love relationships! Focus on improving your love life and being open with your partner during this time. At the end of the month the Eight of Swords comes into play bringing with it some negative experiences, however, the keyword here is EXPERIENCE! Nothing more than a bruised ego, but you've learned valuable lessons and won't make the mistake again!
Gemini - You kick off the month with the Arcanum X a.k.a. The Wheel of Fortune, indicating a time of things being up in the air and a quick change in direction. Although from the other cards it seems that this only is going to affect for a short period of time. Middle of the month the Queen of Cups greets you during this time it is all about manifesting your desires and really going after what you want even if you must force your needs into manifestation. At the end of the month you meet Arcanum XX a.k.a. The Sarcophagus get ready Gemini, you mission awaits. A new project will bring about a strong motivation for success. Push forward it's coming your way, don't worry about money or time you may end up putting more in than you expected in the beginning, but it is well worth it.
Cancer - Entering the beginning of the month is the Arcanum V: The Hierophant in his reversed position look for the words between the sentences Cancer. Your friends are trying to relay messages to you, whether they are hurting and do not want to burden you with their problems or they are trying to warn you, but you are unwilling to hear. Now is the time to listen with your heart rather than your head. In the middle of the month you meet the Ace of Swords you may receive a letter or communication from a loved one that you have not heard from in a bit, aside from that you must be aware of moodiness, it seems that during this time you are a little bit of an extremist. All or nothing and that includes your moods, either really happy or really upset, not much of an in-between. At the end of the month though comes the three of Scepters indicating a positive business agreement or partnership on the horizon. It's also a time to really market yourself as people will be more receptive to hearing what you have to say!
Leo - The wonderful Ten of Wands greets you at the beginning of the month giving you a sense of both relief and enthusiasm! Creativity is flowing and with it new discoveries. Uranus rules the Tens which is all about unconventional actions, ideas and wisdom. The answers to your questions at the beginning of the month will lay in the most unlikely situations. At the middle of the month you pass through the Five of Coins bestowing upon you inspiration and material wealth. This is hard earned money, but just as worthwhile nonetheless. The end of the month brings us to Arcanum XIII otherwise known as The Reaper in this deck and better recognized as Death in most tarot decks. Death, and rebirth the ultimate of transformations, the end of the month heralds a huge change for you, embrace it!
Virgo - Use your intuition at the beginning of the month or so the Seven of Coins says, it also says that money will be gained through travel. So if asked to do a job or an offer comes along take it and know that you will be well compensated for the time. The Youth of Coins greets you mid-month in his reversed position showing letting you know to tread carefully. Your negative thinking may get the best of you at this time, it also tells you to be careful not to get to timid in difficult situations, stand up and use your voice it is important that your opinions recognized! Help with family and friends will be the focus mid-month. The end of the month the Queen of Scepters upright comes to tell you that it is time to bounce back from the difficulties of the earlier parts of the month. TIme to get back on track, get off your bum and move ahead with your own plans.
Scorpio - All Cups, all month long Scorpio! Starting off your month with the Nine of Cups indicating that hopes will be realized, what this really boils down to is that now is the time to make your wishes and get them realized! Go for it, Universe is with you! Your relationships may be exasperated and fidelity maybe tested by the middle of the month as you move into the Eight of Cups. Have patience and you will persevere, it is just a phase. By the end of the month you end up in the position of Queen of Cups, telling you to take time out for yourself and think, allow yourself to be emotional and refuse to be reserved. In other words be the exact opposite of everything that is Scorpio, become the extrovert and let your will be known as right now it is all about what you desire.
Sagittarius - The Eight of Coins brings you into the beginning of the month, indicating a short journey is on the horizon. It also tells you that now is the time to set boundaries and lay down the law in terms of relationships whether they be family or friend. You gave to much last month Sag, now is the time to recuperate and create healthier connections. The Arcanum VIII: The Balance joins you mid month in it's reversed position, showing that you are decidedly off balance. It also indicates that now is the time to be ever aware of cause and effect. Little drops turn into big ripples and with your spiritual equilibrium off those effects may not be the ones you anticipated or desired. However, at the end of the month you move into the Five of Swords in a reversal indicating that even through the tumultuous period during midmonth you come through okay if not unscathed and that your balance has been restored. Cleansing by fire Sag, get ready!
Capricorn - Beginning the month of October is Arcanum II - The Veiled Isis, she leads by example blindfolded she ignores the material world and seeks answers from her own spirit. She guides you to block out the limited knowledge of man and instead find the answers within the eternal knowledge of your own spirit for decision making. Let the light of the Sun illuminate your path and help you to recognize a better way through the mire. People will just confuse you right now, it's okay to take time and be introverted. Next you move into the Seven of Scepters it indicates the opportunity of a new position in your career or a job change completely. Now is the time to explore other options and put your focus on building your business or moving ahead with your job. You move into the Three of Cups at the end of the month indicating good luck in love and relationships. Anything is possible! This is a great time for an engagement or marriage, for those already wed it is a wonderful time to have that second or third honeymoon!
Aquarius - The Six of Scepters gives you a boost of creativity at the beginning of the month particularly in the arts. However, it also indicates a good time to get ambitious, it's not time to sit on your plans but put them into action! No more time to waste. The Nine of Coins indicates that mid-month will be spent with a lot of money going out the window, not on yourself and it may not even be on the bills but family, friends and co-workers. But watch your spending, do not buy lavish gifts in order to impress, it's really not worth it. The coins warn to let reason be your guide and to spend only what you must. The Arcanum V: Hierophant joins you at the end of the month to tell you that now is the time to get back to spirituality and become grounded in the laws of Universe. Bring yourself back to center through meditation and introversion, help to propel yourself ahead by gaining spiritual ground rather than focusing on the material.
Pisces - The Ace of Swords starts the month off with a bang, watch the immune system of yourself, friends and family, sickness is on it's way. YOu may end up having a little bit of a nesting period, right now your focus should be on organization and bringing order to an otherwise chaotic world. Time management is going to be essential for you at this time, you will be clearheaded enough during this time to be able to break up your time without letting your brain make mountains out of small tasks. Mid month you end up bumping into Arcanum VI: The Two Paths, indecision strikes you, you are forced to make decisions. Better to decide and be in control in this matter than to let go and make Universe force the choice. Trust in Universe to take care, now is not the time for thought, but just to do. The Ten of Coins greets you at the end of the month reminding you that whatever your choice it will pay off in the end, so be secure in your decisions.
This Tarotscope Brought To You By:
*All imagery used with permission from U.S. Games Systems
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tarotscopes for September 2010
This month I am using the Tarot of the Magical Forest with artwork by Leo Tan and instructions by Giovanni Pelosini. This deck is put out by Lo Scarabeo and carried by Llewellyn. It is truly an enchanting deck, and one that is great for sparking imagination with bright imagery and cute little creatures it is really a pleasure to read! So let's see what this deck has to say about September!
Virgo - Happy Birthday Virgo!! In the beginning of the month you move into the phase of the High Priestess, represented in this deck as a wise owl peering out into the night between two trees. This is a time to use your intuition and expect to be learning some unusual things! Also be on the lookout as when you are in the phase of the High Priestess hidden truths may be revealed (life path, career change etc). A very good start to September! The middle of September bring with it the Emperor in his reversed position, this will be a particular challenge for you Virgos always capable and well ordered the Emperor in reverse indicates that many of situations you will come across will be out of your control. Now is the time to relax and go with the flow, don't try to force your will. At the end of the month comes the Two of Swords compromise is the name of the game but it is a temporary one. The little cat lady is blindfolded holding two crossed swords, this usually means that there is an argument or a fight and agreement must come. However, you must be sure to keep those swords balanced and be wise. You will move on from this quickly.
Aries - Death in it's reversed position greets you at the beginning of the month. To me death has always indicated change with sacrifice. For example, leaving town permanently for a new job, usually this would be something you can anticipate, however when Death is in it's reversed position to me it's always meant that changes may be more subtle or not at all. No big news at the beginning of the month Aries! Mid-month brings with it the Ace of Chalices reversed, you should be excited about the things around you, should feel enthusiastic and motivated, but you don't. There is an uncanny emptiness there, it is as though you have put a wall up between you and your emotional self. Now is the time to dig deeper and really meditate on emotional issues that you haven't dealt with in a while. Seven of Wands reversed chimes in at the end of the month, to let you know that trying to hold your position or viewpoint is a challenge that at this point you may not have the confidence to win.
Taurus - The Six of Wands comes to you in the beginning of the month Taurus, Oscar Wilde said "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." You've been dreaming up an idea for a while, but reality causes you to hesitate to act upon it. This card is definitely one to stimulate you into action, now is no longer the time for dreams but for action! The Ace of Swords visits mid-month making you feel clearer, and sharper mentally. You will be ready to take on any problem solving challenges and obstacles that come your way. At the end of the month the Nine of Swords reversed moves in, a little kitty wakes up from a nightmare swords line the wall...but in the reversed position it is not a portent of evil dreams and bogeymen but one of peaceful sleep and beautiful visions.
Gemini - Time to let you hair down and celebrate Gemini, whether an anniversary, engagement, wedding, birthday or accomplishment now is the time to sit back and enjoy! The Three of Chalices indicates a party is in order so get ready to get your groove on! The Eight of Chalices comes to you mid-month giving you the power to release old relationships and friendships in favor of moving forward, now is the time to release the bonds that hold you back! At the end of the month, the Nine of Chalices reversed arrives bringing a message of restlessness. You have shed those old bonds...now what? It is time for you to plan your next big move forward.
Cancer - The Ace of Wands reversed, brings you down in the beginning of the month you may be feeling a lack of creative and as though you are stuck in a dead end. But this is not something to worry about as it will pass fairly quickly. With the middle of the month comes the Ten of Wands that wall which creates a dead end is lifted away and new beginnings are being put into motion. Come the end of the month you move into the phase of the Seven of Swords reversed, burdens are lifted and lightened. Move forward in peace.
Leo - The Three of Swords reversed makes it's way to you in the beginning of the month telling you that now is not the time to make decisions your mind may be fairly cloudy. Love can abound for you during this time but again approach cautiously as the choice of love may be unwise. The Ace of Pentacles greets you mid month allowing you to look at things in a practical and constructive way. At the end of the month the King of Chalices reversed stops by money and resources may be slipping out of your grasp. But not to worry come the beginning of October will bring you flush again.
Libra - The Five of Swords reversed meets you at the beginning of the month letting you know that now is not the time to take caution, move quickly opportunities abound! The Ten of Chalices comes in mid-month work may be overtaking your time, causing you to lose touch with family and nature, make a point of reconnecting with both it will help to keep you sane. The Two of Chalices reversed shows at the end of the month there are no obstacles between you and your lover/spouse or in finding one. Be open now is a time of great passion and communication for you and your mate.
Scorpio - The Moon reversed shows order moving into a sense of chaos, the world has flipped, no longer are the Sun and Moon in control but now it is the animals. Time to pay attention to your house and career the world will flip again soon. Now is not the time for manifestation as things may have a habit of going into the reverse of what you expect, same with projects or other endeavors. The Hanged Man comes in the middle of the month to say that you are sitting in your 'stuff' that you are not moving forward or backward, it is a get off your butt card. Now is the time for action, don't sit back and relax in a feeling of comfort and safety. The end of the month heralds Strength, telling you to kill your enemies with kindness. The maiden representative of innocence and the Lion representative of the Leonine energy, ferocity and courage. Time to face situations that make you uncomfortable, you have a great inner strength and now is the time to test it.
Sagittarius - At the beginning of the month Justice comes to remind you that every action has a consequence, now is the time to be vigilant about what you say and do. As the price may be more than your willing to pay. The Lovers greets you mid-month bringing with it a sense of connection and love, this can also herald positive negotiations, new partnerships and agreements, success all around! Yay! The end of the month brings the Eight of Pentacles the little fox is busy carving out a new coin and so will you be busy with work! Although this work may not give you the thrill you were hoping for as it may be both repetitive and a boring, do not despair for the beginning of October will bring opportunity for change. Right now bask in the certainty of a paycheck!
Capricorn - As for Gemini the Three of Cups comes to you at the beginning of month Capricorn to bring tidings of celebration! You have accomplished something to be proud of! In addition, this may indicate positive news on its way to you, enjoy! The Five of Pentacles warns of a feeling of loss to come mid-month, there may be a setback in health, financial loss or loss of a prized item. It is not a permanent destiny however so be vigilant about your health, money and objects! Justice again comes to remind us that actions have consequences both negative and positive so be aware!
Aquarius - Quick and changeable is usually a good thing but the Fool reversed tells you that the beginning of the month is not a time to start any new ventures impulsively. Really think things over before making plans! The Knight of Wands reversed comes to you mid-month to tell you that even though you have a lot coming at you, you don't need to act now. Have patience, things will sort themselves out in their own time. Give yourself plenty of space in the middle of September and don't let the opinions of others cloud you judgement. The Knight of Swords dashes forth at the end of the month this little kitty all dressed in armor with sword at the ready riding awhite stallion transforms into a lion in the heat of battle. Quick and accurate, graceful and calculating, solutions to this month's obstacles will be revealed! You will percieve things a little more clearly and intelligent action can be taken.
Pisces - The Eight of Swords bears a distinct message for you, with a little puss-in-boots blindfolded and surrounded by swords it warns of issues that you may not be looking for or refusing to look at coming to a head around you. Even though uncomfortable this can be a positive card as it can help clear the air and bring healing. The Five of Swords reversed marches in come the middle of the month confirming that with the Eight of Swords help you have lightened your load a little bit. Be aware that opportunities to delegate tasks are going to abound, take only the most trustworthy and use them to their fullest capacity, then sit back and relax. The Four of Wands brings a period of peace and a respite from the chaos, take the opportunity to recharge your batteries and get ready for next month!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:

Click Here to See Deck Info
Virgo - Happy Birthday Virgo!! In the beginning of the month you move into the phase of the High Priestess, represented in this deck as a wise owl peering out into the night between two trees. This is a time to use your intuition and expect to be learning some unusual things! Also be on the lookout as when you are in the phase of the High Priestess hidden truths may be revealed (life path, career change etc). A very good start to September! The middle of September bring with it the Emperor in his reversed position, this will be a particular challenge for you Virgos always capable and well ordered the Emperor in reverse indicates that many of situations you will come across will be out of your control. Now is the time to relax and go with the flow, don't try to force your will. At the end of the month comes the Two of Swords compromise is the name of the game but it is a temporary one. The little cat lady is blindfolded holding two crossed swords, this usually means that there is an argument or a fight and agreement must come. However, you must be sure to keep those swords balanced and be wise. You will move on from this quickly.
Aries - Death in it's reversed position greets you at the beginning of the month. To me death has always indicated change with sacrifice. For example, leaving town permanently for a new job, usually this would be something you can anticipate, however when Death is in it's reversed position to me it's always meant that changes may be more subtle or not at all. No big news at the beginning of the month Aries! Mid-month brings with it the Ace of Chalices reversed, you should be excited about the things around you, should feel enthusiastic and motivated, but you don't. There is an uncanny emptiness there, it is as though you have put a wall up between you and your emotional self. Now is the time to dig deeper and really meditate on emotional issues that you haven't dealt with in a while. Seven of Wands reversed chimes in at the end of the month, to let you know that trying to hold your position or viewpoint is a challenge that at this point you may not have the confidence to win.
Taurus - The Six of Wands comes to you in the beginning of the month Taurus, Oscar Wilde said "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." You've been dreaming up an idea for a while, but reality causes you to hesitate to act upon it. This card is definitely one to stimulate you into action, now is no longer the time for dreams but for action! The Ace of Swords visits mid-month making you feel clearer, and sharper mentally. You will be ready to take on any problem solving challenges and obstacles that come your way. At the end of the month the Nine of Swords reversed moves in, a little kitty wakes up from a nightmare swords line the wall...but in the reversed position it is not a portent of evil dreams and bogeymen but one of peaceful sleep and beautiful visions.
Gemini - Time to let you hair down and celebrate Gemini, whether an anniversary, engagement, wedding, birthday or accomplishment now is the time to sit back and enjoy! The Three of Chalices indicates a party is in order so get ready to get your groove on! The Eight of Chalices comes to you mid-month giving you the power to release old relationships and friendships in favor of moving forward, now is the time to release the bonds that hold you back! At the end of the month, the Nine of Chalices reversed arrives bringing a message of restlessness. You have shed those old bonds...now what? It is time for you to plan your next big move forward.
Cancer - The Ace of Wands reversed, brings you down in the beginning of the month you may be feeling a lack of creative and as though you are stuck in a dead end. But this is not something to worry about as it will pass fairly quickly. With the middle of the month comes the Ten of Wands that wall which creates a dead end is lifted away and new beginnings are being put into motion. Come the end of the month you move into the phase of the Seven of Swords reversed, burdens are lifted and lightened. Move forward in peace.
Leo - The Three of Swords reversed makes it's way to you in the beginning of the month telling you that now is not the time to make decisions your mind may be fairly cloudy. Love can abound for you during this time but again approach cautiously as the choice of love may be unwise. The Ace of Pentacles greets you mid month allowing you to look at things in a practical and constructive way. At the end of the month the King of Chalices reversed stops by money and resources may be slipping out of your grasp. But not to worry come the beginning of October will bring you flush again.
Libra - The Five of Swords reversed meets you at the beginning of the month letting you know that now is not the time to take caution, move quickly opportunities abound! The Ten of Chalices comes in mid-month work may be overtaking your time, causing you to lose touch with family and nature, make a point of reconnecting with both it will help to keep you sane. The Two of Chalices reversed shows at the end of the month there are no obstacles between you and your lover/spouse or in finding one. Be open now is a time of great passion and communication for you and your mate.
Scorpio - The Moon reversed shows order moving into a sense of chaos, the world has flipped, no longer are the Sun and Moon in control but now it is the animals. Time to pay attention to your house and career the world will flip again soon. Now is not the time for manifestation as things may have a habit of going into the reverse of what you expect, same with projects or other endeavors. The Hanged Man comes in the middle of the month to say that you are sitting in your 'stuff' that you are not moving forward or backward, it is a get off your butt card. Now is the time for action, don't sit back and relax in a feeling of comfort and safety. The end of the month heralds Strength, telling you to kill your enemies with kindness. The maiden representative of innocence and the Lion representative of the Leonine energy, ferocity and courage. Time to face situations that make you uncomfortable, you have a great inner strength and now is the time to test it.
Sagittarius - At the beginning of the month Justice comes to remind you that every action has a consequence, now is the time to be vigilant about what you say and do. As the price may be more than your willing to pay. The Lovers greets you mid-month bringing with it a sense of connection and love, this can also herald positive negotiations, new partnerships and agreements, success all around! Yay! The end of the month brings the Eight of Pentacles the little fox is busy carving out a new coin and so will you be busy with work! Although this work may not give you the thrill you were hoping for as it may be both repetitive and a boring, do not despair for the beginning of October will bring opportunity for change. Right now bask in the certainty of a paycheck!
Capricorn - As for Gemini the Three of Cups comes to you at the beginning of month Capricorn to bring tidings of celebration! You have accomplished something to be proud of! In addition, this may indicate positive news on its way to you, enjoy! The Five of Pentacles warns of a feeling of loss to come mid-month, there may be a setback in health, financial loss or loss of a prized item. It is not a permanent destiny however so be vigilant about your health, money and objects! Justice again comes to remind us that actions have consequences both negative and positive so be aware!
Aquarius - Quick and changeable is usually a good thing but the Fool reversed tells you that the beginning of the month is not a time to start any new ventures impulsively. Really think things over before making plans! The Knight of Wands reversed comes to you mid-month to tell you that even though you have a lot coming at you, you don't need to act now. Have patience, things will sort themselves out in their own time. Give yourself plenty of space in the middle of September and don't let the opinions of others cloud you judgement. The Knight of Swords dashes forth at the end of the month this little kitty all dressed in armor with sword at the ready riding awhite stallion transforms into a lion in the heat of battle. Quick and accurate, graceful and calculating, solutions to this month's obstacles will be revealed! You will percieve things a little more clearly and intelligent action can be taken.
Pisces - The Eight of Swords bears a distinct message for you, with a little puss-in-boots blindfolded and surrounded by swords it warns of issues that you may not be looking for or refusing to look at coming to a head around you. Even though uncomfortable this can be a positive card as it can help clear the air and bring healing. The Five of Swords reversed marches in come the middle of the month confirming that with the Eight of Swords help you have lightened your load a little bit. Be aware that opportunities to delegate tasks are going to abound, take only the most trustworthy and use them to their fullest capacity, then sit back and relax. The Four of Wands brings a period of peace and a respite from the chaos, take the opportunity to recharge your batteries and get ready for next month!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:

Click Here to See Deck Info
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
August Tarotscopes (they are late but they're here!)
Hello Lovelies!
I am so sorry about the delay in the Tarotscopes! Honestly, time has gotten away with me, I just finished writing another book and the deadline was insane. So unfortunately the Tarotscopes had to suffer for it! But I'm back and ready with a forecast for this month!
Firstly let me start by explaining the deck I am using this month it is the Sun and Moon Tarot by Vanessa Decort. This is definitely a multi-cultural tarot, depicting symbology from all over the world. It is both colorful and inspiring. Alright, now let's get down to business, starting with this month's sign!
Leo - Happy Birthday to the Leos out there! Alright, starting out the month is the Queen of Swords, not a bad card. She comes in to remind you that the beginning of the month is going to center around research and communication. If you have been looking to start a project and want to learn more about it, now is the time to do it! The Ace of Cups meets you at the middle of the month you may be a little emotional, but it also speaks of the possibilities of new love. At the end of the month the Empress greets you, bringing with her the energy neccessary for creation. Now is the time to put plans into action!
Aries - The first part of the month is all about tidying up loose ends Aries, put finishing touches on projects and get ready. Mid-month the Ten of Cups comes in to remind you of the joys and love of family and friends.Something you may have been lacking while trying to finish up those projects! Then at the end of the month comes the Nine of Swords in it's reversed position, where typically you may get overwhelmed and make mountains out of mole-hills at the end of August you will have a burst of clarity and solutions to some of the issues you've been facing will present themselves.
Taurus - The Two of Wands comes in during the beginning of the month to remind you that you have control over present situations that you can change them and that ultimately it is up to you. In the middle of the month you enter into the Four of Swords, which tells you it is time to make up and play nice. There are some people around you that you may have been arguing with, call a truce. At the end of the month Justice flies in with her scales telling you to stand back, be objective and don't let feelings get in the way. It can also be a sign of a pending court case or other brush with the legal system (even signing documents for a new house).
Gemini - Six of Swords reversed starts your month, more than anything when this card comes up like that I would suggest that now is not the time for analytical thinking but for using your gut when making decisions. The Three of Swords comes up mid-month to tell you that you may be taking things to hard or out of context. He said, she said or misconstrued situations abound. The positive point however is that now you can let those crappy emotions out giving yourself a thorough emotional cleansing. The Six of Cups comes at the end of the month to let you know you may have someone from the past coming back into your life or a situation which brings back old positive memories of joy, love and laughter!
Cancer - At the beginning of August you immediately run into the Two of Cups, all about love and relationships the Two of Cups tries to remind you to keep hold of the connections you have and to be open to the possibility of new love coming your way. Mid-month the Queen of Wands comes to you in the reversed position, now is not the time to take on any creative endeavors or to plan for future possibilities. Take some time and relax. At the end of the month the Prince of Pentacles charges in reminding you not to be reckless with your money now is the time to save!
Virgo - The Tower reversed begins your month telling you that things are not falling apart but that now is the time to rebuild. Dealing with the aftermath of a situation, again the Nine of Swords in it's revered position comes to you giving you that sudden moment of clarity. At the end of the month you move into the Seven of Pentacles now is not the time to begin new projects, arguments, obstacles and issues will block you at every turn. Wait until next month.
Libra - The Emperor comes to deliver a message of leadership, the Emperor is still young yet and although filled with energy and passion he is still prone to burning the candle at both ends. So as you take the reigns of leadership at the beginning of the month remember to relax and enjoy it, not to over extend yourself and to delegate so that you don't feel as weighted with responsibility. With the middle of the month comes the Ten of Swords, yes it is as bad you think but it's also over. Situations around you may feel as though things are not going your way, but as soon as it is there, it is gone. The Four of Cups comes in at the end of the month to remind you to stop comparing yourself to others! Yes the grass may seem greener, but truly it is just different.
Scorpio - You've been pushing for changes around you Scorpio but the Death reversed card tells us that right now, the energy is not really with you to make them. Strength comes around the middle of the month to tell you that patience is key, and brute force is not always necessary. At the end of the month Justice comes in to tell you to step back and really look at big picture without the emotional involvement.
Sagittarius - The King of Wands rides in at the beginning of the month this is a card depicting huge changes using the trans formative energy of fire, and passion, whether planning new career move or big trip either way make it a grand occasion and be secure in it you have the King helping you! Mid-month is a great time to put issues to rest as you move into the Four of Swords, it is time to wipe slates clean and get rid of toxic people and situations. At the end of the month the Eight of Swords tries to guide you in the making of decisions, unfortunately it isn't that helpful. You will enter into a situation which is 'damned if you do or damned if you don't' so pick whichever one seems like more fun and embrace the learning experience.
Capricorn - The Ace of Pentacles comes to you at the beginning of the month now is the time to use physical kinetic energy. Be grounded keep your head down and hard at work. All your worrying about right now is taking that coin and depositing it into your pocket. The Three of Wands tells you that you may have a little too much on your plate, now is the time to get rid of some excess activities so that you don't feel so overwhelmed. At the end of the month the Prince of Swords rides in on his chariot at this time right now you need to watch what you say and how you say it you may be starting fires that you didn't expect.
Aquarius - The Chariot rides in to guide you to victory! Projects, new jobs, promotions are all in your grasp just push that extra little inch the energy is with you! Next you move into the Three of Cups reversed. This is the extreme opposite of the beginning of the month, things aren't feeling all that abundant right now, just sit tight and appreciate the things that you already have. The Queen of Wands comes in at the end of the month telling you that right now is the time work on a new career especially something in the arts such as acting.
Pisces - The Ace of Swords reversed appears at the beginning of the month saying that you may be feeling a little foggy and fatigued. Midmonth brings with it the Wheel of Fortune reversed ruled by Jupiter a planet of success and money it is telling you that right now is a time to lay low and not to count on your luck. However, at the end of the month you move into the Sun! This card promises that for all of the waiting you have been doing you will have your reward, triumph and success are waiting at the end of the month!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:
*All tarot images used with permission from U.S. Games Systems Inc*
I am so sorry about the delay in the Tarotscopes! Honestly, time has gotten away with me, I just finished writing another book and the deadline was insane. So unfortunately the Tarotscopes had to suffer for it! But I'm back and ready with a forecast for this month!
Firstly let me start by explaining the deck I am using this month it is the Sun and Moon Tarot by Vanessa Decort. This is definitely a multi-cultural tarot, depicting symbology from all over the world. It is both colorful and inspiring. Alright, now let's get down to business, starting with this month's sign!
Leo - Happy Birthday to the Leos out there! Alright, starting out the month is the Queen of Swords, not a bad card. She comes in to remind you that the beginning of the month is going to center around research and communication. If you have been looking to start a project and want to learn more about it, now is the time to do it! The Ace of Cups meets you at the middle of the month you may be a little emotional, but it also speaks of the possibilities of new love. At the end of the month the Empress greets you, bringing with her the energy neccessary for creation. Now is the time to put plans into action!
Aries - The first part of the month is all about tidying up loose ends Aries, put finishing touches on projects and get ready. Mid-month the Ten of Cups comes in to remind you of the joys and love of family and friends.Something you may have been lacking while trying to finish up those projects! Then at the end of the month comes the Nine of Swords in it's reversed position, where typically you may get overwhelmed and make mountains out of mole-hills at the end of August you will have a burst of clarity and solutions to some of the issues you've been facing will present themselves.
Taurus - The Two of Wands comes in during the beginning of the month to remind you that you have control over present situations that you can change them and that ultimately it is up to you. In the middle of the month you enter into the Four of Swords, which tells you it is time to make up and play nice. There are some people around you that you may have been arguing with, call a truce. At the end of the month Justice flies in with her scales telling you to stand back, be objective and don't let feelings get in the way. It can also be a sign of a pending court case or other brush with the legal system (even signing documents for a new house).
Gemini - Six of Swords reversed starts your month, more than anything when this card comes up like that I would suggest that now is not the time for analytical thinking but for using your gut when making decisions. The Three of Swords comes up mid-month to tell you that you may be taking things to hard or out of context. He said, she said or misconstrued situations abound. The positive point however is that now you can let those crappy emotions out giving yourself a thorough emotional cleansing. The Six of Cups comes at the end of the month to let you know you may have someone from the past coming back into your life or a situation which brings back old positive memories of joy, love and laughter!
Cancer - At the beginning of August you immediately run into the Two of Cups, all about love and relationships the Two of Cups tries to remind you to keep hold of the connections you have and to be open to the possibility of new love coming your way. Mid-month the Queen of Wands comes to you in the reversed position, now is not the time to take on any creative endeavors or to plan for future possibilities. Take some time and relax. At the end of the month the Prince of Pentacles charges in reminding you not to be reckless with your money now is the time to save!
Virgo - The Tower reversed begins your month telling you that things are not falling apart but that now is the time to rebuild. Dealing with the aftermath of a situation, again the Nine of Swords in it's revered position comes to you giving you that sudden moment of clarity. At the end of the month you move into the Seven of Pentacles now is not the time to begin new projects, arguments, obstacles and issues will block you at every turn. Wait until next month.
Libra - The Emperor comes to deliver a message of leadership, the Emperor is still young yet and although filled with energy and passion he is still prone to burning the candle at both ends. So as you take the reigns of leadership at the beginning of the month remember to relax and enjoy it, not to over extend yourself and to delegate so that you don't feel as weighted with responsibility. With the middle of the month comes the Ten of Swords, yes it is as bad you think but it's also over. Situations around you may feel as though things are not going your way, but as soon as it is there, it is gone. The Four of Cups comes in at the end of the month to remind you to stop comparing yourself to others! Yes the grass may seem greener, but truly it is just different.
Scorpio - You've been pushing for changes around you Scorpio but the Death reversed card tells us that right now, the energy is not really with you to make them. Strength comes around the middle of the month to tell you that patience is key, and brute force is not always necessary. At the end of the month Justice comes in to tell you to step back and really look at big picture without the emotional involvement.
Sagittarius - The King of Wands rides in at the beginning of the month this is a card depicting huge changes using the trans formative energy of fire, and passion, whether planning new career move or big trip either way make it a grand occasion and be secure in it you have the King helping you! Mid-month is a great time to put issues to rest as you move into the Four of Swords, it is time to wipe slates clean and get rid of toxic people and situations. At the end of the month the Eight of Swords tries to guide you in the making of decisions, unfortunately it isn't that helpful. You will enter into a situation which is 'damned if you do or damned if you don't' so pick whichever one seems like more fun and embrace the learning experience.
Capricorn - The Ace of Pentacles comes to you at the beginning of the month now is the time to use physical kinetic energy. Be grounded keep your head down and hard at work. All your worrying about right now is taking that coin and depositing it into your pocket. The Three of Wands tells you that you may have a little too much on your plate, now is the time to get rid of some excess activities so that you don't feel so overwhelmed. At the end of the month the Prince of Swords rides in on his chariot at this time right now you need to watch what you say and how you say it you may be starting fires that you didn't expect.
Aquarius - The Chariot rides in to guide you to victory! Projects, new jobs, promotions are all in your grasp just push that extra little inch the energy is with you! Next you move into the Three of Cups reversed. This is the extreme opposite of the beginning of the month, things aren't feeling all that abundant right now, just sit tight and appreciate the things that you already have. The Queen of Wands comes in at the end of the month telling you that right now is the time work on a new career especially something in the arts such as acting.
Pisces - The Ace of Swords reversed appears at the beginning of the month saying that you may be feeling a little foggy and fatigued. Midmonth brings with it the Wheel of Fortune reversed ruled by Jupiter a planet of success and money it is telling you that right now is a time to lay low and not to count on your luck. However, at the end of the month you move into the Sun! This card promises that for all of the waiting you have been doing you will have your reward, triumph and success are waiting at the end of the month!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:
*All tarot images used with permission from U.S. Games Systems Inc*
Monday, July 5, 2010
Morwyn Joins Us on The Psychic Switch 7/28/10
Name: Morwyn
Show Title: Essentially Psychic
Show Date: 7/28/10
Show Time: 8-9 PM ET
Join Beckah Boyd and her guest Morwyn author of Green Magic and Witch's Brew as they talk about essences, herbs and more that will help you to increase your psychic ability
Green Magic: The Healing Power of Herbs, Talismans, & Stones
In Green Magic, Morwyn shares with her readers the wealth of her accumulated knowledge about medicinal and magical uses of herbs. Both beginners and seasoned readers in the field of magic, as well as those with an active interest in herbs, will benefit from this compendium of facts and lore about over one hundred medicinal and magical herbs. Morwyn offers a special perspective on the interrelationship between herbs, teas, precious stones and talismans, and shows how to incorporate these elements into rituals. She also answers such survival questions as which plants are poisonous and which can cure your ailments. Buy Here!
Witch's Brew: Secrets of Scents
Here, Morwyn details the history, lore, and uses of perfumes, incenses, magical sachets, potpourris, baths, and other fragrance formulas and applies them to ritual magic, healing, and perfumery. Included are formulas, spells, and rituals that take advantage of the power of scent to create magic in your daily life. Experienced Witches will enjoy this volume as a valuable addition to their occult library, as it includes a veritable encyclopedia of data on scores of perfumes and other fragrance materials. Others will find the comprehensive information which is organized for easy reference an invaluable guide for the use of scents. Buy Here!
Show Title: Essentially Psychic
Show Date: 7/28/10
Show Time: 8-9 PM ET
Join Beckah Boyd and her guest Morwyn author of Green Magic and Witch's Brew as they talk about essences, herbs and more that will help you to increase your psychic ability
Green Magic: The Healing Power of Herbs, Talismans, & Stones
In Green Magic, Morwyn shares with her readers the wealth of her accumulated knowledge about medicinal and magical uses of herbs. Both beginners and seasoned readers in the field of magic, as well as those with an active interest in herbs, will benefit from this compendium of facts and lore about over one hundred medicinal and magical herbs. Morwyn offers a special perspective on the interrelationship between herbs, teas, precious stones and talismans, and shows how to incorporate these elements into rituals. She also answers such survival questions as which plants are poisonous and which can cure your ailments. Buy Here!
Witch's Brew: Secrets of Scents
Here, Morwyn details the history, lore, and uses of perfumes, incenses, magical sachets, potpourris, baths, and other fragrance formulas and applies them to ritual magic, healing, and perfumery. Included are formulas, spells, and rituals that take advantage of the power of scent to create magic in your daily life. Experienced Witches will enjoy this volume as a valuable addition to their occult library, as it includes a veritable encyclopedia of data on scores of perfumes and other fragrance materials. Others will find the comprehensive information which is organized for easy reference an invaluable guide for the use of scents. Buy Here!
The Tarotscopes Hit The Airwaves! K-Rock 101.9 Keene NH
Thats right friends! The monthly Tarotscopes will be incorporated into the Keene Rocks! Morning Show with James and Parker the first Tuesday of every month! Then later in the month I will be giving mini readings! Be sure to tune in to hear what's coming up this month.
No worries though! I'll still be posting them here as well! Woot Woot!
You can listen in on their internet stream and find out more about the station at http://www.keenerocks.com/
The Morning Show runs from 5:30 - 10 am. Tune into James and Parker for fabulous morning fun! Also be sure to friend K-Rock 101.9 on Facebook to get the latest updates at the station and hilarious extras!
No worries though! I'll still be posting them here as well! Woot Woot!
You can listen in on their internet stream and find out more about the station at http://www.keenerocks.com/
The Morning Show runs from 5:30 - 10 am. Tune into James and Parker for fabulous morning fun! Also be sure to friend K-Rock 101.9 on Facebook to get the latest updates at the station and hilarious extras!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 2010 Tarotscopes
Hello Lovelies!
The month of July has begun and with it a new edition of the tarotscopes! Yesterday I announced it on the Psychic Switch today I'm letting all of you know, I have hooked up with US Games and they will be sending me tarot decks which I will use to do my tarotscopes each month! Also if you are a lover of tarot be sure to check in at the Psychic Switch website as I will be doing a couple more tarot themed shows talking with the artists and creators about their inspiration and take on the tarot!
This month I will be using the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza hailed as the best deck of all time by Aeclectic Tarot. The deck was also featured in an Oprah Magazine photo shoot for a tarot-themed fragrance. It has some rather dark imagery but still its vibrant in it's colors. It is a truly beautiful deck! Now let's see how it works for you!
CANCER - Happy Birthday to all of the Cancers out there! Your going to start the month off on a little bit of a high note as you pass through the Chariot. However, you may feel a little tired and wiped out jumping through all of the hoops and obstacles to grab your victory. So be sure to take some time out for yourself. Mid-month you slide into the Ace of Pentacles reversed which gives you the go ahead to do some unexpected spending, enjoy and indulge. At the end of the month the Hierophant comes knocking at your door letting you know that it is time to continue seeking out knowledge, but do it on your own don't ask questions of everyone around you. In addition, when we see the Hierophant come through it can also mean a healing is coming for you. So expect this month to be both fun and transformational!
Aries - Love is in the air Aries as well as positive business or partnerships. The Lovers card comes to you in the beginning of July to lend it's energy to help you strengthen relationships you may already have or start new ones! Midmonth the Ten of Swords crosses your path, there are some changes you would like to make to your environment (mainly at work) but you feel there are way to many restrictions. Don't be surprised if frustration hits you. However, at the end of the month, the Fool decides to stop by and give you the courage to make change it may not seem in the moment like the wisest decision but the Fool is letting you know it is okay to take that blind leap of faith.
Taurus - Shields up! The Knight of Swords rides in on his steed to give you the courage to against the grain and make the hard decisions. Don't be surprised if you get flack for it, but most will support you. The Ten of Cups comes to visit letting you know that the support of your family and friends is going to be integral to you mid-month. At the end of the month we get a stop by from the Three of Swords in it's reversed position, telling you to let go of negative influence and to stop beating yourself up over things that may not be under your control!
Gemini - Hail to the King! King of Wands shows up at the beginning of the month to mentor and guide you as you begin to accept more leadership positions whether that be with friends, family or at work. He also tells you that it is time to get off your butt and get some things done! The Fool reversed comes in during mid-month to let you know that now is not the time for impulsive action, keep to your budget, plans etc. At the end of the month Justice comes to you in the reversed position indicating a change in the feeling of things around you, people may be more argumentative. But patience is needed the beginning of August clears the air.
Leo - The Ten of Pentacles comes through in the beginning of the month tell you to be aware of your finances things may be a little tight and you may have to finagle to pay some of the bills. But the 5 of Swords comes in mid-month to warn you to watch the people around you, there may be a dishonorable character in there who is looking to steal or cheat you out of something. The Page of Cups greets you at the end of July to bestow a message of creativity and reflection. Now is the time to relax, and be. To let your creativity flow and your mind to let go of it's usual restrictions.
Virgo - Conform to the norm! The Hierophant tells you during the beginning of July, now is not the time to make waves. Save that for the middle of July when the Two of Swords comes knocking at your door, bring with it a sense of war going on in your own mind over decisions that need to be made. In the end, the Hermit tells you that it is time to take all of the other variables and people out of the picture and find time to think on your own and not worry about anyone else. Big decisions this month Virgo, get prepared!
Libra - The Chariot reversed greets you during the beginning of the month impressing upon you a feeling of fighting an uphill battle. Your outnumbered, out maneuvered and feel that your right on the cusp of a loss! However! The Chariot, ever the tactician will help you gain a way out and later in the month, the Hierophant lends his energies to you, helping you to make wise decisions and understand Universe's ultimate goal. At the end of the month Justice comes into bring your world back to center and feeling like all is right with the world!
Scorpio - The Devil is on your doorstep at the beginning of the month so watch out! You may be a little to caught up in material matters and ignoring the emotional things going on around you. The Empress comes to you mid-month to inspire creative thoughts and ideas. But at the end of the month the Two of Swords pops up bringing a sense of balance to the end of the month.
Sagittarius - You will pass through the Eight of Swords at the beginning of the month so don't be surprised if you feel restricted and bound as if you can't move left or right. But this moment of bondage will not last the entire month with the element of balance and duality coming from the Two of Cups mid-month you will begin to attain an emotional balance allowing you to once again move forward and establish new relationships. The Four of Swords is at the finish line for the end of July giving you permission to rest, relax and reenergize. But there is work in this as it also tells you that now is the time for you to be a little more introverted and focused on your own needs.
Capricorn - The Moon greets you in its reversed position indicating that strange forces are at work around you. Your world may tilt a little bit but go with the flow as the Page of Cups comes through in the middle of the month showing that you may not be the most motivated person mid-July may feel more like your on a turtle's time rather than your usual speed. Again, don't fight it go with it. This all culminates with Temperance in it's upright position at the end of the month, decisions will weigh on your mind but now is not the time for quick thinking. Take the time you need to figure out the pros and cons, get all of your ducks in a row then move forward.
Aquarius - Times are changing and so are you! You are passing through the 6 of Wands, indicating an almost caterpillar to butterfly like change. A true metamorphosis is taking place. Mid July you change gears as you pass through the Queen of Swords reversed warning you to take a closer look at friends and family, its time to clean out your 'toxic people' closet. At the end of the month the Knight of Pentacles arrives and brings you some extra cash! He is also reminding you to be persistent in all that you do!
Pisces - The Ace of Swords comes through for you at the beginning of the month, warning you to be careful about balancing your power and using it wisely. This period is one of intense manifestation so watch how you wield it! The Ace of Pentacles tells you to hold onto your money as there will be a big expenditure coming up the 6 of Pentacles reversed comes in at the tail end of the month warns that you need to keep careful track of your budget!
This month's Tarotscope brought to you by:

*All tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.*
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Join Beckah Boyd and her guest Dinah Roseberry author of Psychic Pets as they discuss animal communication and reincarnation on the Psychic Switch next Wednesday at Tenacityradio.com
The Psychic Switch staff is excited to have their first official guest on the show! Animal reincarnation is something that isn't really talked about, society and religion have so many theories regarding humans and the afterlife. What about animals? Next Wednesday at 8pm est they will be discussing that very topic on the Psychic Switch. Along with that they will also talk to Dinah about animal communication, how it works, how to develop it and how it can help you in your everyday life. "I am really excited to have Dinah on. She is a great woman with a gift, I also work in animal communication so I love a good meeting of the minds and I expect there will be a lot of discussion going on in the chatroom at tenacityradio.com with some of the subjects we will be bringing up."
About Dinah: Dinah Roseberry has been an author of the paranormal for many a year, but this is her first animal communications experience with the wild world of animals. She is also acquisitions editor for Schiffer Publishing's paranormal and mind/body/spirit lines.Visit www.roseberrybooks.com for more information about her varied books and activities as author, editor, and ghost hunter.
They will also be giving away a copy of Dinah's book Psychic Pets (available through Schifferbooks.com). "It is such an important book, you get to follow this amazing lady through her journey in animal communication and the discovery of animal reincarnation. She is brutally honest about her emotional states, when her friends pets died, her thoughts of being crazy as she opened her psychic self and so much more. I think for anyone getting interested in psychic ability this is a great book to read to get you prepared for the changes that will happen around you and to you." says Beckah Boyd host of the Psychic Switch
Join the Psychic Switch every Wednesday night from 8-9pm est on the Tenacity Radio Network www.tenacityradio.com in the meantime please check out the Psychic Switch's official website www.thepsychicswitch.com to listen to archives and discuss your favorite shows and your own experiences at the Generation Psychic Community forum!
The Psychic Switch staff is excited to have their first official guest on the show! Animal reincarnation is something that isn't really talked about, society and religion have so many theories regarding humans and the afterlife. What about animals? Next Wednesday at 8pm est they will be discussing that very topic on the Psychic Switch. Along with that they will also talk to Dinah about animal communication, how it works, how to develop it and how it can help you in your everyday life. "I am really excited to have Dinah on. She is a great woman with a gift, I also work in animal communication so I love a good meeting of the minds and I expect there will be a lot of discussion going on in the chatroom at tenacityradio.com with some of the subjects we will be bringing up."
About Dinah: Dinah Roseberry has been an author of the paranormal for many a year, but this is her first animal communications experience with the wild world of animals. She is also acquisitions editor for Schiffer Publishing's paranormal and mind/body/spirit lines.Visit www.roseberrybooks.com for more information about her varied books and activities as author, editor, and ghost hunter.
They will also be giving away a copy of Dinah's book Psychic Pets (available through Schifferbooks.com). "It is such an important book, you get to follow this amazing lady through her journey in animal communication and the discovery of animal reincarnation. She is brutally honest about her emotional states, when her friends pets died, her thoughts of being crazy as she opened her psychic self and so much more. I think for anyone getting interested in psychic ability this is a great book to read to get you prepared for the changes that will happen around you and to you." says Beckah Boyd host of the Psychic Switch
Join the Psychic Switch every Wednesday night from 8-9pm est on the Tenacity Radio Network www.tenacityradio.com in the meantime please check out the Psychic Switch's official website www.thepsychicswitch.com to listen to archives and discuss your favorite shows and your own experiences at the Generation Psychic Community forum!
Monday, May 31, 2010
June Tarotscopes
Hello Lovelies!
Well it is June, the summer is here and energies are quickly shifting. So let's see what this month brings!
Aries - There is a lot for you to celebrate this month, the Nine of Pentacles indicates financial growth. The three of Cups is indicative of your intention to celebrate a solid and well put together path, the Fool reversed shows me that there will not be any big unplanned changes to your life this month. Things will continue as they have been and I think from what I see here, that is a good thing.
Taurus - Where Aries' month is stable and glowing Taurus yours is showing that there are major changes in this month's forecast. A shift or change in job position will bring you better money. Right now the cards show that work may be taking a bigger toll on you than expected, and you often feel left holding the bag or cleaning up the mess. Relax...change is coming, just remember not to get stubborn and go with the flow.
Gemini - Gemini, it's all about emotions for you this month. You may be feeling a little wonky this month. Your duality is definitely showing one minute happy the next sad or upset. However, think of this month as your mid-year cleansing, just getting the emotional crap out of the way. It seems the rest of life is going to continue on in it's usual way allowing you to lean on consistency and routine which at times will both comfort and bore you.
Cancer - New discoveries and relationships are coming your way Cancer. The Lovers is the first to appear in your spread indicating a new friendship or partnership. The Seven of Pentacles comes to you mid-month bringing with it alternative methods to gain money, whether budgeting or through another job/venture. At the end of the month the Three of Wands makes an appearance in it's reversed position showing that you feel a little stressed and overwhelmed, just be sure to check in with yourself constantly and take deep breaths!
Leo - The Five of Pentacles impacts you at the beginning of the month, telling you that everything will be ok. It tells you not to worry too much about finances, things may seem a little bleak but you are not alone and there are people you can rely on. Do not be to proud to ask for help. The Six of Wands comes to you mid-month delivering a message of strength, now is the time to begin manifesting your wants and needs. Write a wish list and meditate on it. At the end of the month comes the Nine of Swords reversed showing a love of life and release of burdens! Enjoy!
Virgo - Your balance will be off kilter in the beginning of the month but not to worry you correct come mid-June. The Ten of swords reversed comes in the middle of the month to help you trim down some of the extra commitments you have made. At the end of the month the Knight of Swords reversed arrives to help you get back to your essential self and speak your mind more clearly to those around you. Helping to alleviate some of the issues in communication, you may see going on throughout the month.
Libra - The Knight of Pentacles reversed arrives in the beginning of the month showing that you are not feeling all that much control when it comes to your funds. But not to fear come the middle of June you will feel like celebrating your financial rewards. You transition into the Seven of Cups at the end of the month bringing with it a sense of emotional exploration, take advantage and get your emotional house in order.
Scorpio - The beginning of the month brings you to the 8 of Swords reversed, indicating a firm plan and feeling of direction. You know what you want to accomplish, you know allof the steps youneed to take. There isn't much for insecurity around it. Just remember it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan. Come mid-June the Lovers card comes into play, in business this could mean new agreements, clients or negotiations, it is also a big indicator of new relationships! So if you are single from the 13-20th is a good time to look for love. The last week of the month the Tower comes into play, watch your stress levels and be aware of the things around you. Universe is trying to tell you that you may need to cut some things out of your life for now. The changes that are coming around you are not in your control. But the Tower also tells us that a little destruction is good, you can rebuild it better!
Sagittarius - The beginning of June will be good in terms of money for you, things are stable and you may have a little extra cash in your pocket. The Queen of Pentacles reversed comes in around the middle of June guiding you to hold onto your funds for a big purchase that is going to creep up on you. This could be a car fix, or an unexpected bill. Just hold tight to your money. The King of Swords shows up at the end of the month telling you that now is the time to take control in all aspect of your life. He shows you the benefits of becoming more aggressive about your wants and needs.
Capricorn - The High Priestess greets you at the beginning of June telling you to look more into the mystical and tap into your higher consciousness. That the spirits and Universe are trying to give you hints and tell you something important, it is time to pay attention. The Two of Wands presents himself mid-June indicating a need for a balance, you may want to look at your food intake and the properties inherent in those foods, like acid and alkaline, and your system may be feeling a little wonky. The Five of Pentacles gives hope at the end of June, showing that you are not alone even though you may feel like it is you against the world at this moment. However, no despair needed! You have a great group of people around you definitely take heart. It also indicates good dealings in business!
Aquarius - The Star guides you into the month of June, showing not only success but travel as well. Listen to her quiet message of hope and balance; take heart with future endeavors as your ideas do have the smell of success around them! The Knight of Cups drifts in around mid-month bringing with him a zest for life and a go get 'em attitude, his emotions are his biggest power, during this portion of the month so are yours. So now is the time to manifest your wants, dreams and needs. The end of the month the Empress reversed appears telling you it is time to get off your butt stop thinking of ideas and start taking action. Do not be surprised if you hit a creative block during the last week of the month.
Pisces - The Page of Cups reversed app-ears for you in the beginning of June, be on the lookout for a feeling of obstacles everywhere you turn, but these are not just little bumps in the road. What the Page of Cups brings you is a unique opportunity to learn about emotional triggers! Find out the root causes of your emotions allowing you to move forward. The Knight of Pentacles drops by mid-month to offer you some extra cash and a little wisdom regarding financial management. Now is the time to invest and watch your money grow. At the end of the month Temperance reversed comes through letting you know that there will be a lot of questions fired at you that will need quick answers. No time to think or weight options, so be sure that you're on top of your game at the end of the month!
The Tarotscope brought to you by:
Well it is June, the summer is here and energies are quickly shifting. So let's see what this month brings!
Aries - There is a lot for you to celebrate this month, the Nine of Pentacles indicates financial growth. The three of Cups is indicative of your intention to celebrate a solid and well put together path, the Fool reversed shows me that there will not be any big unplanned changes to your life this month. Things will continue as they have been and I think from what I see here, that is a good thing.
Taurus - Where Aries' month is stable and glowing Taurus yours is showing that there are major changes in this month's forecast. A shift or change in job position will bring you better money. Right now the cards show that work may be taking a bigger toll on you than expected, and you often feel left holding the bag or cleaning up the mess. Relax...change is coming, just remember not to get stubborn and go with the flow.
Gemini - Gemini, it's all about emotions for you this month. You may be feeling a little wonky this month. Your duality is definitely showing one minute happy the next sad or upset. However, think of this month as your mid-year cleansing, just getting the emotional crap out of the way. It seems the rest of life is going to continue on in it's usual way allowing you to lean on consistency and routine which at times will both comfort and bore you.
Cancer - New discoveries and relationships are coming your way Cancer. The Lovers is the first to appear in your spread indicating a new friendship or partnership. The Seven of Pentacles comes to you mid-month bringing with it alternative methods to gain money, whether budgeting or through another job/venture. At the end of the month the Three of Wands makes an appearance in it's reversed position showing that you feel a little stressed and overwhelmed, just be sure to check in with yourself constantly and take deep breaths!
Leo - The Five of Pentacles impacts you at the beginning of the month, telling you that everything will be ok. It tells you not to worry too much about finances, things may seem a little bleak but you are not alone and there are people you can rely on. Do not be to proud to ask for help. The Six of Wands comes to you mid-month delivering a message of strength, now is the time to begin manifesting your wants and needs. Write a wish list and meditate on it. At the end of the month comes the Nine of Swords reversed showing a love of life and release of burdens! Enjoy!
Virgo - Your balance will be off kilter in the beginning of the month but not to worry you correct come mid-June. The Ten of swords reversed comes in the middle of the month to help you trim down some of the extra commitments you have made. At the end of the month the Knight of Swords reversed arrives to help you get back to your essential self and speak your mind more clearly to those around you. Helping to alleviate some of the issues in communication, you may see going on throughout the month.
Libra - The Knight of Pentacles reversed arrives in the beginning of the month showing that you are not feeling all that much control when it comes to your funds. But not to fear come the middle of June you will feel like celebrating your financial rewards. You transition into the Seven of Cups at the end of the month bringing with it a sense of emotional exploration, take advantage and get your emotional house in order.
Scorpio - The beginning of the month brings you to the 8 of Swords reversed, indicating a firm plan and feeling of direction. You know what you want to accomplish, you know allof the steps youneed to take. There isn't much for insecurity around it. Just remember it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan. Come mid-June the Lovers card comes into play, in business this could mean new agreements, clients or negotiations, it is also a big indicator of new relationships! So if you are single from the 13-20th is a good time to look for love. The last week of the month the Tower comes into play, watch your stress levels and be aware of the things around you. Universe is trying to tell you that you may need to cut some things out of your life for now. The changes that are coming around you are not in your control. But the Tower also tells us that a little destruction is good, you can rebuild it better!
Sagittarius - The beginning of June will be good in terms of money for you, things are stable and you may have a little extra cash in your pocket. The Queen of Pentacles reversed comes in around the middle of June guiding you to hold onto your funds for a big purchase that is going to creep up on you. This could be a car fix, or an unexpected bill. Just hold tight to your money. The King of Swords shows up at the end of the month telling you that now is the time to take control in all aspect of your life. He shows you the benefits of becoming more aggressive about your wants and needs.
Capricorn - The High Priestess greets you at the beginning of June telling you to look more into the mystical and tap into your higher consciousness. That the spirits and Universe are trying to give you hints and tell you something important, it is time to pay attention. The Two of Wands presents himself mid-June indicating a need for a balance, you may want to look at your food intake and the properties inherent in those foods, like acid and alkaline, and your system may be feeling a little wonky. The Five of Pentacles gives hope at the end of June, showing that you are not alone even though you may feel like it is you against the world at this moment. However, no despair needed! You have a great group of people around you definitely take heart. It also indicates good dealings in business!
Aquarius - The Star guides you into the month of June, showing not only success but travel as well. Listen to her quiet message of hope and balance; take heart with future endeavors as your ideas do have the smell of success around them! The Knight of Cups drifts in around mid-month bringing with him a zest for life and a go get 'em attitude, his emotions are his biggest power, during this portion of the month so are yours. So now is the time to manifest your wants, dreams and needs. The end of the month the Empress reversed appears telling you it is time to get off your butt stop thinking of ideas and start taking action. Do not be surprised if you hit a creative block during the last week of the month.
Pisces - The Page of Cups reversed app-ears for you in the beginning of June, be on the lookout for a feeling of obstacles everywhere you turn, but these are not just little bumps in the road. What the Page of Cups brings you is a unique opportunity to learn about emotional triggers! Find out the root causes of your emotions allowing you to move forward. The Knight of Pentacles drops by mid-month to offer you some extra cash and a little wisdom regarding financial management. Now is the time to invest and watch your money grow. At the end of the month Temperance reversed comes through letting you know that there will be a lot of questions fired at you that will need quick answers. No time to think or weight options, so be sure that you're on top of your game at the end of the month!
The Tarotscope brought to you by:
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tarotscopes May 16 - 31st
Hello Lovelies!
So sorry I missed last month, projects have gotten away with me. I launched an internet radio station with Jeremiah Greer from Shadows Media LLC called Tenacity Radio Network! We are looking to provide some of the best eclectic entertainment on the web. You can check it out at http://www.tenacityradio.com. Now on to what you have been waiting for! Since the month is half over I will be giving mini-reads for the rest of this month and we will get back on schedule beginning in June!
Aries: Watch your empathy for the rest of the month Aries your compassionate nature may get the best of you. However, there does appear to be some attention coming your way for a good deed done. The way that the Sun comes across this seems to be more of an emotional support and getting positive feedback for helping a friend through a tough time. Towards the end of the month, it will all be about materialism as the Emperor shows his face near the end of your spread. This shows that you are very much concerned with concrete world and the stability of financial consistency!
Taurus: Trying to hide secrets Taurus? There is some information you are trying to keep private, whether planning a birthday party or surprising a friend. However, the Moon appears to show us that these secrets will not keep. You are bursting at the seams to tell!! The Judgment card appears alongside the Moon...those secrets...they will not be secrets for long. Judgment also signifies a time to really look in the mirror and come to terms with who you are, the good, bad and beautiful.
Gemini: The Five of Wands appears upright for you for the second half of May showing that you are putting a lot of energy out there and may not be getting enough back! Be careful how you are focusing your energy and be sure the projects and tasks are worthwhile. It also speaks of a time of financial balance the end of May will give you a little bit of extra cash that you may want to put away for a rainy day. Watch the impulsive spending!
Cancer: Now is the time to share money, even if you do not have it. You are hitting a Karmic good point from now until the second week in June, what you put out there will definitely be returned three fold if not more. Invest! Spiritual and mental growth will abound for you this last half of May there may be some growing pains but roll with the punches and you will come out on top!
Leo: Money is not your top priority right now, as much as you may be feeling the pinch there are other things on your list of to-do's. Emotionally you are a little off kilter this last half of the month but no worries! June will correct it! You may feel a little sluggish and just very heavy this last half of the month, a lot of that comes from the stress of multiple projects. Just be sure to take deep breaths and relax once in a while!!!
Virgo: Now is the time to expand business opportunities. If you have been looking to gather new clients or to remodel part of the home this is definitely a good time to start! Anything having to do with investments and money will go pretty well for you for the rest of the month. However, a lot of this work you will have to do on your own, mainly because you really need to get a gist of the situation and you are best to do so internally without too many people's opinions.
Libra: Strength and The World show up in your spread for the end of May, lots of challenges but even more opportunities. Keep your eyes out for both and do not get disheartened by the obstacles. They are there merely so that you can prove to yourself that you are capable of anything. Also watch your attitude last week in May...you're going to be a little snippy!
Scorpio: It's about partnerships and relationships for you the last half of May Scorpio. Watch it though, there is a little bit of drama going on and although you may not be involved, I am seeing here that your protective nature has been activated. Usually I would say "this isn't your fight don't move forward with it" but what I am seeing with this shows that it just may be that the person you are trying to protect really cannot protect themselves. So go for it!
Sagittarius: You really need to bring balance back in a financial way. Save your money and try budgeting more strictly. There are big payouts coming in June that you may not be prepared for otherwise. It is also speaking of this time being a good one for love. So if you are not in a relationship now would be the time to keep an eye out for one, if you are now is the time to rekindle the passion!
Capricorn: It's all very future focused right now Capricorn and the cards say you are struggling to keep up with the present. You need to keep your mind in the here and now instead of worrying about days and weeks later. Stop just putting out the fires and try to get ahead with work and home life. You may feel drained first week in June but energy will pick back up by the second or third week.
Aquarius: Now is the time for you to focus on health issues, spiritual medicine is coming to you in a strong way pointing you in the direction concerning health (physical, spiritual and mental) so watch out for repetitive signs for the rest of the month! Seeing the same areas mentioned repeatedly, numbers etc. Spirit is trying to tell you where you need to be, unfortunately there are a lot of distractions around you, which takes your head out of the game so to speak. Try to keep focus.
Pisces: Time to let your child-self out to play Pisces you've been way to serious lately. Go to a Dave and Busters or Funworld and let loose!!! Don't worry about financial repercussions, the cards indicate an upswing coming for you over the next month. Right now it is just very important to nurture your child self and to work with your imagination!
This Tarotscope using:
The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding
So sorry I missed last month, projects have gotten away with me. I launched an internet radio station with Jeremiah Greer from Shadows Media LLC called Tenacity Radio Network! We are looking to provide some of the best eclectic entertainment on the web. You can check it out at http://www.tenacityradio.com. Now on to what you have been waiting for! Since the month is half over I will be giving mini-reads for the rest of this month and we will get back on schedule beginning in June!
Aries: Watch your empathy for the rest of the month Aries your compassionate nature may get the best of you. However, there does appear to be some attention coming your way for a good deed done. The way that the Sun comes across this seems to be more of an emotional support and getting positive feedback for helping a friend through a tough time. Towards the end of the month, it will all be about materialism as the Emperor shows his face near the end of your spread. This shows that you are very much concerned with concrete world and the stability of financial consistency!
Taurus: Trying to hide secrets Taurus? There is some information you are trying to keep private, whether planning a birthday party or surprising a friend. However, the Moon appears to show us that these secrets will not keep. You are bursting at the seams to tell!! The Judgment card appears alongside the Moon...those secrets...they will not be secrets for long. Judgment also signifies a time to really look in the mirror and come to terms with who you are, the good, bad and beautiful.
Gemini: The Five of Wands appears upright for you for the second half of May showing that you are putting a lot of energy out there and may not be getting enough back! Be careful how you are focusing your energy and be sure the projects and tasks are worthwhile. It also speaks of a time of financial balance the end of May will give you a little bit of extra cash that you may want to put away for a rainy day. Watch the impulsive spending!
Cancer: Now is the time to share money, even if you do not have it. You are hitting a Karmic good point from now until the second week in June, what you put out there will definitely be returned three fold if not more. Invest! Spiritual and mental growth will abound for you this last half of May there may be some growing pains but roll with the punches and you will come out on top!
Leo: Money is not your top priority right now, as much as you may be feeling the pinch there are other things on your list of to-do's. Emotionally you are a little off kilter this last half of the month but no worries! June will correct it! You may feel a little sluggish and just very heavy this last half of the month, a lot of that comes from the stress of multiple projects. Just be sure to take deep breaths and relax once in a while!!!
Virgo: Now is the time to expand business opportunities. If you have been looking to gather new clients or to remodel part of the home this is definitely a good time to start! Anything having to do with investments and money will go pretty well for you for the rest of the month. However, a lot of this work you will have to do on your own, mainly because you really need to get a gist of the situation and you are best to do so internally without too many people's opinions.
Libra: Strength and The World show up in your spread for the end of May, lots of challenges but even more opportunities. Keep your eyes out for both and do not get disheartened by the obstacles. They are there merely so that you can prove to yourself that you are capable of anything. Also watch your attitude last week in May...you're going to be a little snippy!
Scorpio: It's about partnerships and relationships for you the last half of May Scorpio. Watch it though, there is a little bit of drama going on and although you may not be involved, I am seeing here that your protective nature has been activated. Usually I would say "this isn't your fight don't move forward with it" but what I am seeing with this shows that it just may be that the person you are trying to protect really cannot protect themselves. So go for it!
Sagittarius: You really need to bring balance back in a financial way. Save your money and try budgeting more strictly. There are big payouts coming in June that you may not be prepared for otherwise. It is also speaking of this time being a good one for love. So if you are not in a relationship now would be the time to keep an eye out for one, if you are now is the time to rekindle the passion!
Capricorn: It's all very future focused right now Capricorn and the cards say you are struggling to keep up with the present. You need to keep your mind in the here and now instead of worrying about days and weeks later. Stop just putting out the fires and try to get ahead with work and home life. You may feel drained first week in June but energy will pick back up by the second or third week.
Aquarius: Now is the time for you to focus on health issues, spiritual medicine is coming to you in a strong way pointing you in the direction concerning health (physical, spiritual and mental) so watch out for repetitive signs for the rest of the month! Seeing the same areas mentioned repeatedly, numbers etc. Spirit is trying to tell you where you need to be, unfortunately there are a lot of distractions around you, which takes your head out of the game so to speak. Try to keep focus.
Pisces: Time to let your child-self out to play Pisces you've been way to serious lately. Go to a Dave and Busters or Funworld and let loose!!! Don't worry about financial repercussions, the cards indicate an upswing coming for you over the next month. Right now it is just very important to nurture your child self and to work with your imagination!
This Tarotscope using:
The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tarotscopes March 2010
Hello Lovelies!
In like a lion, out like a lamb: that's the old saying for the month of March. But let’s see what March really has in store for you!
In like a lion, out like a lamb: that's the old saying for the month of March. But let’s see what March really has in store for you!
The beginning of March is going to put you on shaky grounds Aries, this is shown through the Star reversed. It speaks of a lack of confidence within yourself. However, the middle of March show some money coming your way; the appearance of the Ten of Coins tells me that this is money saved or you will be putting this money towards savings. Either way this is the time to make your money work for you. It’s all about financial growth. At the end of the month there will be some miscommunications in relationships as the Four of Cups points out to me in its reversed position. It may carry through till April but this card says that it is a short lived issue.
March will have a slow start for you, Taurus, as shown to me through the Hanged Man. The first week or so it will seem like every step forward that you take will include three steps backward. But no worries, it's not anything that will last. The Knight of Pentacles cautions you to stand back and assess a situation before charging headlong into it and taking responsibility. We look at the Knight of Pentacles as a person who always sees success in every endeavor but is also a great strategist. Take advantage of his knowledge and start making plans. The Two of Swords closes out the month with an explosive ending. The two swords representing duality and balance but not a peaceful and harmonizing way, more than likely there are answers within your situation at the end of the month that you are not choosing to see. That being said, all the blame is not to be placed on you, but yourself and someone you work in connection with. This can also be seen as a part of love, in which where the swords cross the heart is shows barriers erected and not letting anyone get in. Heed the warning of the two of swords; go into situations at the end of the month with eyes wide open and a heart that is free to feel.
Your Chariot awaits Gemini! The man who stands upon the chariot is in full control, mentally, spiritually and physically. He is much more able to channel his emotional energy towards manifestation. During the first portion of March, you my friend will be the charioteer driving towards your goals. The Chariot often appears when there is a call to get out of your own way, to stop grieving and griping, pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move forward. After the Chariot you will pass through the Four of Swords. A time of peace, it is one of the only cards within the swords suit that gives a feeling of being at rest. The battle is not yet over but enjoy the calm before you head back into battle on your Chariot. The Ten of Swords will finish out the month, and it tells me that the obstacles you have faced this month were not without merit. You will come out of it with a sense of clarity and self.
Take your place as the Empress, mother of all, as she bears the weight of her responsibility with a kind and loving nature. She appears for you at the beginning of the month as a reminder to stop plodding along going about your daily routine and live a little! Enjoy the life around you; make a point of reaching out to people in the beginning of March. You will probably be put into a position of leadership during the beginning of the month so lead as the Empress would lead: loving, but firm and fair. Next you move into the Queen of Pentacles, almost a mirror image for the Empress, but where the Empress has the ability to give life the Queen has the ability to sustain it. Generosity will be abundant for you during this time, as you pass through this card, think of the Queen of Pentacles as a ‘Susie Homemaker’ type, she cares for everyone around her and will be there in all ways. The last card for the month is the Two of Wands, this card focuses mostly on your Will. During the end of the month you will see manifestations of your goals, be bold and daring during this time and recognize your dreams turning into reality. All deuce cards represent unions as well, denoting that now is also a good time for friendships and romantic relationships. The Two of Wands also serves to remind us that ultimately we are in control of our lives and that it is by our choices that the threads of fate can change.
March is a time of vitality, the promise of spring and new growth, however, you will be passing through the phase of the Death card in the beginning of this month. Before you start to freak out, the card does not mean you will die or that someone around you is going to either. Death, like many phases of life, is merely a transition. But it is a big one, it is a forced sacrifice, a change in perspective and attitude. This is the beginning of a new chapter for you Leo, make sure to take a moment and look back at your past before moving forward. The Princess of Swords will greet you in mid-March, bringing a good balance into your life and an understanding between your heart and your mind. The Princess is very direct and goes right to the heart of an issue, use her abilities for yourself and face possible confrontations or issues head on. The Queen of Wands will bring a focus to your life, but along with it will come a stubborn streak. You will go after your desires full force and I pity the person who gets in your way. As you move into the position of the Queen you will become a more magnetic personality, now is the time to go out to meet new people, create new opportunities and manifest your desires.
The Eight of Swords in its reversed position comes into your life at the beginning of March. While you are passing through this phase it will feel like you are not in control of your situation. Upright, the card talks about an abuse of power, reversed, it talks of someone not using their power to their full potential. You are in a position of leadership whether through friends, family or work and you are not making full use of your resources or personal strength and power. The Eight of Swords cautions you to be fair but also to realize that you really do have control. The middle of March heralds the arrival of the King of Pentacles. He is a Midas, everything he touches turns to gold. Remember this come mid-March, and also remember that the King has a strong personality -- although many see him as a stick in the mud merely because he believes in convention. He loves to learn but prefers traditional ideals and linear thinking. Invoke your power as King and go after your financial success, accept guidance where necessary but remember if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. The Sun shines for you at the end of the month, bringing with it a sense of clarity and freedom. Obstacles, for the time being, are out of your way and success will come as long as you maintain your confidence. Enjoy the wisdom and glory you have gained throughout this month and the life-giving creative power of the Sun.
Cups, cups and more cups this month Libra! It’s all about emotion. First you come into the Six of Cups which is the only card in the tarot that speaks specifically of the past; this card always represents a positive look back. It is also a child-like card so it is a reminder to not just look at your past but continue to acknowledge your child self. You’ve gotten too caught up in the material, thinking about the present and the future. Now is a time to look back and bring yourself emotionally back to center, happiness, joy and a child-like nature. Next you pass through the Ten of Cups. A rainbow of beautiful golden goblets is pictured within this card and it serves to remind you that Mid-March is not a time to worry about the material world, bills, etc. It is a time to sit back and enjoy what you have, it is also a time for love. The Rainbow pictured in the card when applied to relationships is all about blessing;, spend extra time with your other half or go out and get one. Unions formed during this time will have good fortune. The end of the month brings Librans to the Ace of Cups. This phase is particularly important as it predicts new relationships leading to whole health and happiness. On a spiritual and material level you gain a lot of power as you pass through the phase of this card, your inner voice will begin to truly speak during this time. Signs around you will point you in the direction you are meant to go, it is also a time to pursue your own ambitions.
Judgment is your theme for the beginning of March, Scorpio. This card speaks of conscious changes that you are making or planning. These changes are necessary in your mind whether for health, wealth or spiritual peace. You have the ability to turn away from these choices, but if you do, in the end you will likely regret it. When someone goes through the phase of Judgment there can be some hard decisions to make that will affect your life in a positive way, it is not as destructive as the Tower card. Another side of the Judgment card is it's ability to help you wipe the slate clean and make a fresh start. If you have been in the doldrums, now is the time to make change happen. Following Judgment you will be moving into the Six of Pentacles, which is a time of generosity. Due to the fact that it is a pentacle card we focus mostly on the material, however. it can also be applied to the spiritual; giving your time instead of physical things. If you are the one going through the dark period, the Six of Pentacles serves you by letting you know that someone around you has taken initiative to help out. Whether they're giving money or advice, appreciate this person’s presence and take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. The end of March brings with it the King of Swords. During this time you will take a position of leadership. However, you will not just be one to order people around, you will be an active participant in your team's success. One of the many positive points of the King is that he is able to look at any situation objectively like a player in a chess match, and during this phase the King reminds you to take on this same attitude. Problems which may have refused to be resolved before will easily resolve themselves or a solution will be found.
In the beginning of the month you have the Five of Pentacles, a card that indicates loss usually in the form of material things, money, property, etc. But it is also a warning if it hasn’t happened yet you can definitely soften the blow. If it has already happened, stop worrying about it, this card comes up only when action is called for, worrying will do nothing more than stress you out. The two people who walk in front of the church window depicted in this card are destitute unwilling or unable to acknowledge how close they are to their salvation. Spiritually this card talks about being ‘in the dark’ so to speak, and unable to find the light. Sometimes our minds can be our worst enemy and the beginning of March is the time when your mind goes nuts, Sagittarius. Relief comes to you mid-March in the form of the Three of Cups, partially a reminder to count your blessings, the Three of Cups is all about celebration. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, its about togetherness, community and friendship. This respite from worry comes at a great time after the hazardous beginnings of March. The end of March brings the Eight of Cups in it’s reversed position. Cups deals mainly with emotions and relationships, in this vein it cautions you not to move to hastily. It says that the truths you are seeking are right in front of you and that you need look no further. This card cautions you about running away from challenges. Earlier this month indicated a material loss that triggered a huge emotional reaction, you may still feel burnt by this and the fight or flight impulse may be leaning towards the latter, but now is not the time to leave the situation.
The beginning of March will certainly start off right, Capricorn, as the Four of Wands is the first to say hello. When applied to career, it speaks of the beginnings of a successful business venture, or creative project. It also heralds the arrival of new friends, relationships or even marriage. It may seem as though you have already accomplished some big goals, but the power of fire inherent in the card pushes you to move further and test the limits. You next move into the phase of the Seven of Swords, this is the card of the con artist. This means that whatever you are getting into a little deception and guile is called for. It also speaks of a lone wolf mentality, which may prove more of a hinder than a help while you pursue your new ventures. The card can also serve to warn you of a cunning or con artist type around you who may try to enter your life or disrupt it at this time. So be on guard. You enter into the Queen of Pentacles at the end of the month, responsibility, trustworthiness and generosity will be necessary in the people you surround yourself with. The Queen of Pentacle is often seen as the bridge between the ordinary and the spectacular. Now is the time to let yourself shine!
As you come into March, you immediately enter the realm of the King of Pentacles. You really need to pay attention to your material affairs and the King is the best card to have on your side. He is not a scrooge by any means, he gives generously of his time and money but not without reward. The King of Pentacles understands that by giving you are most likely to receive, and there is nothing that the King likes more than receiving, especially money. The Queen of Wands greets you in mid-March, don’t be afraid to speak your mind, deal with tough issues and whatever you do, do not back down when you feel you have to make a point. The Queen of Wands is seen as an elusive woman, who takes what she wants in life, follow in her image during this time she lends you her strength. At the end of the month you move into the phase of the Knight of Swords, many see him as a heartless figure but I have to disagree. The Knight of Swords does have emotions but he keeps them firmly in check so that he may head into battle without fear. This is why the Knight of Swords goes where others fear to tread. Take the initiative! The end of March is a time to move forward and take chances without fear. Embrace it!
The Queen of Cups is your power card for the beginning of March, with both her positive and negative attributes. She cautions you to listen more to your intuition when making decisions, but she can hinder in that you are more prone to daydreams and fantasies during the beginning of March. She is guiding you through your use of intuition but also showing you when you need to look at things realistically instead of bending the ‘small voice’ to say what you want to hear. Temperance appears in mid-March to remind you that you need to look at both sides of the coin before making any decisions. Impulsive actions and rash judgments of people around you are not good ideas at this time. Enjoy the positive moments but recognize that they are not permanent, also remember that compromise is the foundation of problem solving during this time when it comes to relationships. You fall into the Knight of Wands at the end of the month, courage and daring is yours. Where earlier you had to learn to balance your mind and heart, and mid-month you conquered quick judgments, now is the time to really exercise your newfound power! Friends may need your support at the end of the month and you will have enough energy to give it to them, don’t expect a burnout at all your zest for life will be at it’s epitome at this time. You will tackle challenges as they come and not perceive them as obstacles, but relish the idea of a new set of problems to contend with. A more positive outlook is shown through this card. It’s time to shoot for the moon and reach your goals!
The deck used during this reading was: The Spiral Tarot
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