Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tarotscopes for the Month of February 2010

Tarotscopes For February!

Hello Lovelies!

Unfortunately, because of my schedule, I will have to start posting the Tarotscopes as a monthly thing, but along with the Tarotscopes I will be highlighting some of my adventures as well! I hope this doesn't deter any of you from checking back often, as there will be new posts all of the time!


You're "get up and go, got up and went" this month, Aries. You will be suffering from a little bit of lethargy. This is indicated by the Eight of Cups, but surrounding this card you also have the Two of Discs and the Devil. Everyone always looks oddly at me when the Devil comes up in their spread. But it's not as evil a card as everyone may think. The Two of Discs indicates changes happening around you and I feel that this may pertain to work. However, you will also be in a place where it will be easy for you to adapt to these changes. The Devil gives me a little bit of a clearer insight, showing that you will be using your stubborn nature and your optimistic outlook to change a possibly negative situation into a rewarding positive one.


The Four of Cups indicates that during the month of February you will be surrounded by material things, symbols of accomplishment and luxury, Taurus. However, it shows that you will also be restless. The Emperor also makes an appearance in your spread, which tells me that the potential for new love or even a rekindling of a current romance will take place during this month. The Princess of Disks also makes an appearance, connecting with the Emperor. If you have been looking to get pregnant now is the month to try for it. This month is great as far as fertility is concerned on all aspects. Mentally, spiritually and physically.


The Knight of Wands appears in your cards this month, Gemini. You will be on a crusade during the month of February; not fighting anyone in particular but pushing for your creative ideas to come to fruition and be recognized for the genius that they are. This can also apply to a situation where you feel something is unfair and you fight to be heard. This month is one for self-assertion and really learning to put your foot down. This month is all about creation and manifestation for you. The Strength card also comes up, representing the power of love and innovation. No more time to tinker, Gemini. This is a month of action!


You are down but definitely not out this month, Cancer. The 5 of Swords tells me that you are feeling as if options or ideas have run dry. But don't worry, this is a month to lay low and gather your resources. The Eight of Wands makes an appearance telling me that good news is coming to you this month and that truth will prevail. Finding answers is at the heart of this month for you. Nevertheless, it is a wait and see kind of month. There is nothing you can actively be doing at this moment to help push things forward. The Hierophant tells me someone is coming into the picture who will act as a guide for you. A giver of good advice, this person is definitely one to be listened to.


The Devil is the theme for you this month Leo, along with the World and 9 of Wands. The Devil speaks to us of turning negative energy into positive, it also touches on sexuality and physical confrontations. This tells me that this month will be one of ironing out details between two people, it will also be a sexually charged month for you -- but there may be a communication disconnect even with the great fun you have in bed. The World shows us that your worldview will change this month. Instead of relying on illusions and false beliefs, your eyes will be wide open and you will be hit by stark reality. The 9 of Wands shows me that this time for you is one of gathering energy and resources. It also tells me that you may be a little resistant to some new experiences coming your way. Be aware, we make our own obstacles.


Your negative thoughts are really going to get you this month, Virgo. The 10 of Swords speaks of a fear of plans ruined as well as letting negative thinking get you distracted and distressed. The 5 of Disks tells me that there are some financial worries surrounding you, and the Knight of Disks shows that throughout all of this your will and persistence will overcome all of these things. But you really need to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move forward. Don't allow the negative thought patterns to get you. If you do, you will miss too many opportunities for success. Don't hyper-focus or dwell on the possible negative outcome of a situation and don't borrow trouble this month, Virgo. You really can't afford it.


Expect your schedule to get full this month, Libra. You are being pulled in a million different directions and usually you are good at giving attention to all of them. However, this month things may seem a little overwhelming. The Ace of Swords shows up in your spread indicating that through all of this you will maintain clear thinking and that you mind will not fail you. There is also a new opportunity coming your way so keep your eyes open as this is something that will help to bring you spiritual and financial fulfillment. The Knight of Discs also makes an appearance to tell us that you will heading down your own path without compromising any of your ethical or spiritual beliefs. You will make no bones about who and what you are or your goals. People either better join you or get out of the way!


This month is all about releasing fears. The Moon card comes through loud and clear with this message, saying that you should not dread danger or look for the next shoe to drop but instead continue on your path with courage. It also speaks of delving into your subconscious to try and understand who you really are. We lash out for reasons unknown, we react to things in very specific ways, but why? The Moon is here for you this month to help you discover just that. The Five of Cups also makes an appearance, showing that there will be some big disappointments coming for you this month. I feel that they are from people, not situations. There is a feeling of injustice looming around you this month and it all comes back to opinions. However, on the other side of scale we have the Ace of Swords, which gives a chance of a new path, and freedom of thought. Take advantage.


Your mind is your best weapon this month, Sagittarius. The Six of Wands tells me that you will gain success through your own clever machinations. On the opposing side, we have the Ten of Wands, which tells me that you may not be up to the effort of putting your full strength behind your plans or ideas. A feeling of fatigue will hit you this month, almost like there is barely any energy at all. But do not allow yourself to be oppressed. Temperance is there to guide you and help you gain balance. It's all about getting out of the chaos and finding equal footing this month Sagi!


An injustice will finally be righted, Capricorn. The Justice card tells of this, and next to it lays the Sun card, which speaks of material gain and success. It also shows us that you will be content during this month, both with your work and in relationships! However, on the other side of this lays the Seven of Cups, which tells me that there will also be much frustration. Things do not feel as though they are moving along fast enough for you. But there is so much going on behind the scenes that you don't see. Relax. Success is your's this month.


Be careful of courting danger this month, Aquarius. That warning comes from the Five of Swords. The Two of Wands tells me that you have control over a situation that you feel less than in control of. It also speaks of an overflow of creative energy just waiting to be channeled through you. The Five of Wands shows that you are longing for success, harmony and stability but that it often eludes you. This month you will be prepared to grab it, just be sure you can hold on and heed the Five of Swords this February.


It's all about emotions this month, Pisces, with the Eight, Ace and Nine of Cups in your spread. The Eight tells us of a reversal of fortune -- it may feel like February is one giant obstacle, at least in the beginning of the month. Next there is the Ace of Cups which talks about a major opportunity for self-realization and fulfillment coming for you. It also speaks of reveling in love on all levels. The Nine of Cups tells me that you are going to approach every situation this month with a joie de vivre and that networking, team games and socializing in general will be your strengths throughout the month.

The Deck Used During This Reading Was: The Röhrig Tarot

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 28th Shantown Episode

Hello Lovelies!
Okay so last night Shannon and Jeff Sylvia showed footage from an investigation I did with them. It was a really cool evening. If anyone remembers about a week ago on FB I posted that I had an investigation but didn't know where the heck it was. That was the one. Last night on Shantown they showed the results. Shantown is a great variety show, that will make you laugh, cry and maybe tinkle your pants a little! You can check it out every week at 9p.m. est on Thursdays

Monday, January 4, 2010

TarotScopes for 2010

Hello Lovelies!
Below are your TarotScopes for 2010.

Remember, these scopes are general, and because we're all individuals, certain predictions might be stronger for some than they are for others.

Also, always keep in mind that your future is up to you!
If you don't like something, you always have the power to change if for the better.

Your Scopes are divided into 3 sections:
Your Theme for the year
Different Obstacles you may face along the way
and certain Helpful Aspects that will help you reach your goals.


Theme – The Magician. This is a year of change for you, and that change could be spiritual. Allow yourself to transform.

Different Obstacles – Work and finances may not be at their peak this year. Try not to take too many shortcuts. Perhaps starting to save and take on greater responsibility now will help you in these endeavors.

Helpers – You're very good under pressure, and very direct in conversation, and these two things will help you this year. There will be opportunities to make more money, just don't let those shortcuts trip you up. You're going to be meeting obstacles head on and finding yourself transforming.


Theme – Temperance. Your patience will be tested this year, and you'll be making a lot of decisions. You'll also be releasing control a little bit and allowing yourself to be guided.

Different Obstacles – It'll feel like you need to make a lot of decisions all at once, and that could test you in a lot of different ways.

Helpers: One of your biggest virtues is going to be your patience, and your stubbornness may actually be an asset. A lot of people may rely on you, and your nurturing side will come out. You'll also be learning to appreciate the small stuff this year.


Theme – The Hermit. This year is all about looking deep into yourself and finding the great mysteries. It's about making yourself whole, incorporating more logic, and getting in touch with your spiritual center.

Different Obstacles – Hopping from project to project may be a hindrance to you. You may feel a little stagnant this year, particularly around the month of August. Your finances may be a bit of a struggle, and you'll have to work on keeping your emotions in check. Feelings are not facts – remember that.

Helpers – Your creativity is going to be a big help to you, and the plethora of ideas you come up with is going to be amazing! Around February and March, you may be talking some sense into people, so any big arguments could be settled around then. Your objective nature is going to grow stronger.


Theme – The Wheel. This year may be unpredictable, and you're going to really learn how to go with the flow. You may have come across this feeling around 5 years ago, but the Universe wants you to continue the lesson! Be open and willing.

Different Obstacles – You may be more presently oriented when you should be looking to the future. Your nurturing nature may cause you to take care of others when you really should be taking care of yourself. Also, be aware of your communication skills. Make sure people are really hearing the exact words you're saying.

Helpers – You're going to be very financially stable this year, and there will be opportunities for career expansion and movement! People will also be looking to you for advice a good deal. You're going to be learning a lot this year, soaking up information as you go.


Theme – The Tower, reversed. There's going to be a major rebuilding this year; figuring out how to move forward, planning and developing. It's going to be an interesting journey as you discover how to really lay down a new foundation.

Different Obstacles – Dynamics at work may be a hindrance; you may have some issues with coworkers. In terms of love relationships, your biggest issue may be around a spiritual connection. Emotionally and mentally there is connection, but you need to work on nurturing a higher 'soul' connection. Pay attention to where your money is going and why, Leo. You may not be keeping track the way you should.

Helpers – Your creativity is going to be a huge help to you this year! You're also going to find empowerment; moving things forward and pushing. It's all about motivating yourself and others, and you have the power to do that. A lot of social and business connections may be made this year, particularly around July.


Theme – The Emperor. This year it's all about taking positions of authority and taking control.

Different Obstacles – You're going to be in a lot of 'grey' situations where the answer isn't so black and white, and that is going to challenge you. Your dreams may be a little scattered this year; things may be coming at you very fast, so make sure to make goals that are attainable.

Helpers – Your sense of justice is going to be a blessing for you this year, you're going to have a fine sense of that – just be sure not to pre-judge. This may also be a year of confrontation, but you're going to be able to put certain issues away for good. Things may feel like they're moving a little slower in 2010, but that's good for you! Take time to sit back and survey your situation.


Theme – The Star. There may be some travel coming for you this year, Libra! Also, you'll be working on keeping the faith.

Different Obstacles – Your biggest issue in 2010 may be finding your center. This year is going to test your ability to keep your energy flowing and to keep yourself grounded. It's going to be a time of reality, of seeing things as they are. This year, you need to focus on you because you may be feeling a lot of emotional waves. Also, do your best to watch out for that temper.

Helpers – You're not afraid to be alone and do things on your own, so doing some work on yourself isn't going to feel isolating. As far as work goes, you'll have the energy to accomplish a lot, much more than you have in the past. With the self-work you're going to be doing this year, you'll be able to see your obstacles objectively – they'll bother you less than they may have in the past.


Theme – Judgment. You're going to be rethinking how to use those everyday judgments we all have. Your intuitive ability will be growing, and you're going to learn how to work in different systems (in both career and higher thinking).

Different Obstacles – You're going to struggle with letting go of certain issues from 2009. Your intense energy may also affect certain people around you, so be careful of how you project yourself. You could be a little too future focused right now, Scorpio. Do your best to be "now" oriented.

Helpers – Your friends and family are going to be a great support system this year. Allow them to help and guide you. Your work ethic is going to bring you a lot of opportunities and money in 2010. Self-confidence is going to be a great help to you now!


Theme – The Chariot. This is a year of great victory for you! Just make sure that you make time to address certain feelings of "being less than"… let go of those insecurities. You're on the way to success.

Different Obstacles – Watch out for your desire to self sacrifice; take a step back when it comes to certain situations and take a breath before acting. Don't cut your nose off to spite your face. As stated above, you may be feeling like you need to overcompensate, like you're not up to par, but with the theme of the Chariot, just know that you are succeeding and you are going forward. Watch out for over-complicating certain situations, specifically around May - August.

Helpers: You've got a great ability to re-manifest, and allow yourself to relinquish control. Your ability to "rise up from the ashes" and start anew, as well as taking time for yourself, will benefit you greatly this year.


Theme – Hanged Man. It's a year of lessons for you; of learning about yourself and who you are in the world.

Different Obstacles – you may be procrastinating more than usual, and could be dealing with some financial issues between May and June. You've got a lot of good people around you right now, but there are also some bad eggs. Don't let those bad eggs take advantage of you.

Helpers – The second half of 2010 is going to be financially stable for you, helping you feel secure and on top. As far as health goes, you're going to learn how to stay healthy and how to maintain that health. An emotional dream, "a missing piece" may become whole this year as well.


Theme – The Sun. You're going to be hitting your goals and finding yourself "the bright spot in the room". You're going to be growing by leaps and bounds.

Different Obstacles – Money is going to be difficult this year; you have a lot more going out than coming in. It's not about losing a bunch of money, you're not going to be destitute, don't worry, just be careful when it comes to spending too much on friends and yourself. Travel may also be an issue for you, so watch for that. Be on the lookout for a self-sacrificing attitude.

Helpers – Your work ethic is going to be off the charts! You're going to have a lot of opportunities to move up in your career, and money is going to be coming though. October – November is going to be a great financial time; invest wisely. Your judgment is maturing and helping you out this year as well.


Theme – The Devil, reversed. You're going to be fighting internal negativity and overcoming those obstacles all year, Pisces!

Different Obstacles – Confrontation is necessary in 2010, even though you may not want to do it. You may be slightly removed from your emotions while also allowing certain things to prick you more than usual.

Helpers – This year, you're going to finally find peace in terms of co-workers and work. You're going to be social and networking a lot more. A lot of good movement forward is coming your way as well, so make sure you notice the little things which make that movement possible.